View Full Version : Blind Albino Leopard Gecko????????

07-07-03, 04:07 PM

i got this albino leopard gecko from the expo from reptile rainforest and it seems like it is blind. Most of the time it has its eyes closed. But when they are open it seems that he/she is running into things. And when i put food infront of her she doesnt go for it. Im worried she isnt eating at all. Is there any way of telling if she is blind or not?. If she is blind how would i feed her and stuff?


07-07-03, 04:45 PM
plz people i really need some help. Im worried


Tim and Julie B
07-07-03, 04:49 PM
Okay dont' panic too much. Albinos are very sensitive to light so if you are concerned try feeding it only at night with black light bulb shining down so that you can observe whether or not it is eating. Be sure to provide extra hides for the day time. My albinos act much more aggressively at feeding time because they see differently and like to attack anything that moves-including eachother. I'm sure your leo is fine, just remember that their eyes absorb light much differently than normals do, so make any adjustments necessary to keep it's enclosure darker than the others. But provide enough light for it to know that it is day time:D

07-07-03, 04:51 PM
ok thanks. Im more relaxed now. Thanks