View Full Version : Indian River Reptile Zoo......

07-04-02, 08:27 PM
What a spectacular place!! I've never seen such a variety of reptiles.....lots and lots of hots....West African Gaboon Viper, Bush Master, Rhinoceros Viper (awesome looking!), Egyptian Cobra(it was hooding at me!), E. & W. Massasauga, Diamondback, Pope's Viper, Sidewinder, Copperhead,Puff Adder.....and then the constrictors......Columbian Boa, Hog Isl. Boa, Dumeril, Rainbow, Borneo Short-tail, Emerald Tree.....and they had a Trans-pecos ratsnake...I love those.....and turtles and lizzards.....I also saw Carpets hatching!.....and an alligator and a saltwater croc.....talk about excitment!!wooooohooooo!

07-05-02, 11:09 AM
where is this place?? i wanna know!!!

jason h
07-05-02, 12:32 PM
its on hwy 7 east of peterborough just before havelock.:D

Grant vg
07-05-02, 01:13 PM
well if anyone wants to make a trip out there im down!...

although u'll have to provide the car,....heh

07-05-02, 07:12 PM
i am game if there is a car involved being as though i dont drive!

07-05-02, 08:25 PM
Well, its worth making a weekend of it because its a 2 hour drive E. of T.O. and theirs many cool places to camp out in that area.
Thats exactly what I did.....and just popped into the Zoo on the way home. Btw....I just listed a small fraction of the animals......there are many, many more...:)

07-06-02, 02:07 AM
Martin I will drive lets go :)

maby on a saturday or something make a day trip of it ?

07-06-02, 07:38 AM
yea we should adam...

07-06-02, 08:24 AM
Oh man! I used to live like 5 minutes from there, literally! It was before I got into herps.

Now I gotta make a special 4 hour trip! Sounds cool, though! :)