View Full Version : If placed near a male?

07-06-03, 07:25 PM
If i buy a female and a male chameleon and put them in the same cage but divide so they cant see each other can the female still produce egg and cause egg binding? if anyoen can help thanks

07-06-03, 10:42 PM
meow_mix450 -

The cage would have to be quite big, and you would have to build it your self, they don't make pre-made cages that you can divide. Make sure the two are out of view of each other and any other animal. As far as the female producing eggs, yes she will. You should not breed them until they are one year old even if the female starts to produce infertile eggs at six months. Best way to avoid this is to cut back on food intake for the female when she reaches six months of age. Hope this helps!

07-06-03, 10:45 PM
ooo, ya im building a home made cage that can have a divider...but can the female smell or sence that a males there?

07-06-03, 10:48 PM
The female will produce whether there is a male present or not. My female panther laid her first clutch at 8 months without even seeing a male her whole life.

Why not just make two cages? OR better yet just start with one cham? getting TWO chams is a lot of work... double the time and double the money.


07-06-03, 10:50 PM
ya u got a good point i think im gonna go for a male veiled thanks a lot

07-06-03, 10:52 PM
nice choice... but you still need to do a lot more research. I noticed you asked about incubation time. That is information that could be found in any caresheet, and if you don't know that info it means you haven't read enough caresheets.


07-06-03, 10:55 PM
ya im still checking out more care sheets im gonna wait till the next expo before i get one that ould give me enough time to research and get its cage ready while i read more care sheet thanks