View Full Version : My new super hypo baldy tang baby!

07-06-03, 04:05 PM
I just got this little screamer from Teresa:
http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/7new_035-med.jpg (hope she doesn't mind me using her pic).

Is he not the COOLEST? He is 2 weeks old and has the most amazing orange! Like twice as bright as in the pic. He made the trip home okay - a little nervous, but alert and active.

Thanks so much Teresa!! When I breed him, you're welcome to a baby :)


07-06-03, 04:09 PM
Very pretty! What is the greyish colour going to turn into? Is it going to fade away?

07-06-03, 04:10 PM
Yep, it'll fade away and become orange. He may have faint faint highlights, but it won't turn into black spots.

07-06-03, 04:58 PM
Congrats, Zoe. I was eyeing Teresa's table too, but unfortunately, I was not allowed to buy any more herps.

07-06-03, 05:46 PM
congrats he is handsome.

07-06-03, 08:18 PM
Glad you are happy with him :D He's a real looker all right! One of our best this year.

07-06-03, 11:24 PM
Wow, what a handsome little guy! :D Congrats!

07-07-03, 12:24 PM
Wow!!!! Nothing else to say. Post pics of him when he is older he should be wonderfull.


07-07-03, 07:46 PM
Hmmm what makes it soo special to have 4 morph names? it looks rather like a normal albino leo to me. Maybe you got ripped off?

Also I was wondering what makes it a "baldy"? What the hell kind of morph is that? Just another name to jip people out of money.

Tim and Julie B
07-07-03, 07:51 PM
SUPER HYPO - exreme reduction of dark body pigments
BALDY - as an adult it will have little to know dark pigment on its head
TANG - pretty self explanitory

07-07-03, 08:20 PM
So the lack of black on the head makes it worth another 50 dollars or more? hmmm sounds like a jip to me.

07-07-03, 08:26 PM
If you don't like peoples choices on how to spend their money, then why not spend less time belittling people on the forum and more time trying to make enough money so you don't have to complain about what others do with theirs.


07-07-03, 08:30 PM
Yes, it does make it worth more. Just as albinism in a BP will make it worth more, or double-het traits in a snake will make IT worth more.
It's only a "jip" if the market value is lower than the one paid. I paid marked value, if not less, and so it isn't a "jip".
As you obviously know little about leos (considering you thought it was an albino), perhaps you should refrain from smart-alec commenting on things you know nothing about.


07-07-03, 08:38 PM
Great looking leo. I was thinking about getting a leo or two before the show but realize i won't have time, money and space for so many different type of lizards. Anyways, I think Teresa has one of the best collections around and she's offering them at a very reasonable price. Congrats, Zoe, keep us posted so we'll know how he/she turns out. :D

Tim and Julie B
07-07-03, 08:43 PM
So Mr. World so Cold what reptiles do you keep?If you cannot see something for what it is then don't post because it takes away from the persons thread!

Zoe he's stunning. I can't wait for pics in the coming months. I love how much they change. Like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get (yeah, I know, it's been done to death, but it fits:D)

07-07-03, 08:44 PM
I actually do know about leos,I have several in my collection just because I got them when I was 8. I would never own another one after these ones die. Just because I do not know how to tell some morphs apart at times in pics doesn't mean I do not know how to keep them. You made an assumption on all of my knowledge of leopard geckos. so maybe YOU should refrain from making statements.

Tim and Julie B
07-07-03, 08:50 PM
I never said any such thing. I actually just want to know what you keep for reptiles. And I most certainly never implied that you should not make a statement, just that by saying what you have, it's taking away the point of Zoe's post. Now who's making assumptions?

07-07-03, 09:08 PM
easy does it everyone, zoe its a beauty. nuff said

07-07-03, 09:36 PM
I don't think I mentioned this in a previous post like I wanted to. My point is that I think breeders shouldn't be charging people more money for a morph that has a slight difference in appearance. Zoe,I don't think you should compare prices in an animal such as an albino ball python which is a whole different genetic colour mutation. Whereas the "baldy" leopard gecko is missing a few black speckles on just the head.

Tim and Julie,I did not understand the part about assumptions in your last post.

To answer your question of what I own...I have kept various species of snakes but currently only own a few gecko species, C.Mitratus, R.Cilliatus,E.Macularius. I also have a couple other geckos that I prefer not to say what species they are. I do plan on geting some more snakes but more rare species then I had kept before.

07-07-03, 09:37 PM
well c'mon man, a quick look at the eyes would have told you it wasn't an albino. But hey, albino and normals are often confused because most people can't tell the difference between red and dark brown. hehehe. ;)

Thanks everyone! Yeah, I'll be taking a million pics after each shed, so no worries about keeping updated :D

07-07-03, 09:44 PM
u go girl!

07-07-03, 09:47 PM
Hmm I happened to miss the eyes in the pic. Oh well simple mistake. I do see a resemblance in the body colours of an albino. Whereas an albino usually has yellow bands and NOT red and dark brown and yours simply doesn't have the red and dark brown. I do not see how come you compared my mistaking a light orange colour for a yellow colour to me mistaking yllow for red and dark brown. Really think about what animals I am viewing before saying I do not know what a normal and an albino look like.

07-07-03, 09:49 PM
If that's how you think then, why don't you go and breed a super hypo tangerine baldy carrottail redstripe and sell her to me for $40? Are you up to that?

Zoe...i am so jelous with your new guy! Definately a babe in the gecko world :p good luck with him!

07-07-03, 09:53 PM
Thank's Emily! Gosh, imagine what your's x mine babies would look like!!!

world - yup, that eye was sarcasm. While I do hear what you mean about mistaking super hypos for albinos (I do it sometimes to), i don't think it warrants stupid comments. And if you've never even HEARD of some of these morphs before, what am I supposed to assume? You're the leading authority on leos??


07-07-03, 09:59 PM
Bahah, Holy cow emily, that was a mouth full.

Zoe it is a gorgious gecko! I got one of Teresa's babies too and I might add it is so stunning even my husband (who hates reptiles btw) had to agree it was a nice looking gecko. lol
I on the other hand came home and started cleaning cages and just wanted to stare at her and my tang from HQ that I got all day long. lol.

I can't wait to see future pics of her and of her babies. What male are you going to breed her to?

07-07-03, 10:01 PM
That one is temp sexed male. I'm hoping to find a female of similar caliber (lol) soon.


07-07-03, 10:05 PM
No,don't think I am the leading authority on leos.You could assume that maybe he is isn't up to date on his leopard gecko morphs but could know how to care for them still.

Emily-Fisher,if I was to have those leos and bred them I would sell you one for 25 bucks. I have no problem selling an animal for what it is worth as a normal.

07-07-03, 10:07 PM
Oh, I got a female so I jumped to conclusions. lol.
Too bad we weren't closer. You could breed him to my super hypo pastel. lol. I will get some pics up tomorrow if I can. Haven't even had time to take any yet. I got home last night at 11:30. By the time I fed all the leos it was a little after midnight and I had to get up for 6 to go to work. I got home at 3 and had to finish some hose cleaning, cage cleaning that didn't get done on Sunday because of the show, and make supper. I also worked on my new cages a bit after supper and I only got to sit at the computer at 11. Gonna have to go to bed now though. I only got 2 hours sleep before the show and not quite 6 last night. I'm gonna be dead tired by the week end if I keep this up. lol

Anyway, I guess I'm ranting cuz I'm tired. I'll try to post some pics of her tomorrow. she is spectacular. But I'm sure you know that because you got a "Teresa" leo too. :) And I got the best deal on her. Thanks soooooooooooooo much Teresa!!!!!

Grant vg
07-07-03, 10:33 PM
hey world,

An animal is only worth what ppl are willing to pay for.
its the consumers who set the market value, not the breeders. (in most cases anyway)

if a breeder prices something for 1000 dollars, and ppl dont buy any, he/she lowers it to a price that ppl will buy at. Therefore, the buyers are setting the price.

If the buyers buy em up at $1000, then the breeder can either sell at that price or raise the prices...simple supply and demand my man.

Perhaps we should think about raising prices on normals then lowering prices on morphs.
i always look at things this way....
if i WANT that snake. i will even double market value if i have too...just to get it.

Things are worth different amounts to different ppl. its where this "price" and "worth" meet where a sale is made.

heh, business school finally came in handy.

i dont know much about leo morphs, but its a nice looking leo and im glad your happy with your purchase zoe. :D

Grant vg

07-07-03, 10:44 PM
I am far from a leo person and know nothing about all the different leo's but that is a cool looking gecko you got zoe good luck with him :)

07-07-03, 10:51 PM
Wow...quite the comotion...lol ;)

Zoe, Emily, Deb, I am SO glad you are all so happy, and in love with your Leos :D:D.....cause that is really all that matters isnt it.
Thanks to everyone else too, for all the nice comments :)
I too am looking forward to him maturing. Zoe be sure to post more pics soon!

07-08-03, 08:15 AM
Congrats on the new addition, and good luck with your search for a little girlfriend for him ;)

07-08-03, 08:44 AM
very cute :)
how much did it go for?
next show ill be looking for a male tang

07-08-03, 10:14 AM
NICE! None or very little tail spots either. Very nice hope its a male!