View Full Version : I Need Some Help!!!

07-06-03, 10:58 AM
Where can i get some T-Rex Crested Gecko Diet in Canada, around the G.T.A. area.

07-06-03, 01:08 PM
As far as I know, it's not available in Canada yet... I could be wrong though....

07-06-03, 05:54 PM
The Menagerie Pet Store on Parliament St (Ave?) in Toronto. That's where I've been getting it.

07-06-03, 10:53 PM
whoa.. u've been going to there? dont u guys live far away tho? i go there quite often.. but i dont recall seeing it.. but then i dont buy so i dont even look for it

07-07-03, 08:21 PM
I don't go there often, but when I'm in Toronto, I try to stop in. A few weeks ago I delivered some frogs to them and happened to see they had some CGD, so I bought it. My cresties, gargoyles and leachie almost kissed me for bringing it to them


07-14-03, 05:16 AM
Thanks for the help, i found some at a local reptile store by my house. The place is called Reptilia and its the best reptile store that i've been to.

07-26-03, 02:33 PM
what is this diet thing?

07-26-03, 02:37 PM
it's powdered crestie food....it's available for a large variety or lizards and geckos...I haven't fed any to my crestie, but I accidentally ate some once and can't really see any crested eating it....:P But they eat bugs right? So who knows...

07-26-03, 02:43 PM
oh i see...but what in it is powdered?

07-26-03, 02:51 PM
I looked it up, it's basically a mix of what the people at T-Rex feed their cresties (a non-prey diet) babyfood/fruit, bee pollen, spirulina, kelp, electrolytes, vitamins and calcium except all in a powdered form.

07-26-03, 03:07 PM
Ya i just read a little bit on it. It is a powdered version of the diet they developed at Sandfire Dragon Ranch, which is a non prey diet.

If its powdered, how do you prepair it for eating? For those of you who use it, do you feed them this soley? and then maybe a cricket here and there when u get a few?

07-26-03, 03:17 PM
I know that you're supposed to add a bit of water, and then it gels over. I don't use it though :(