View Full Version : turtles&mice

07-05-03, 06:24 PM
i was wondering if i could feed my red eared slider pre killed pinkie mice? she is about 6-7 inches across her shell and 10 - 13 from the front of her shell to the back

07-07-03, 04:01 PM
hello? does any body know or was this just a really stupid question?

07-07-03, 04:21 PM
I wouldn't.

Once they are older they need to be fed more and more vegetables. And I don't think they eat rodents naturally.

Even if it WAS good idea, it would be a total mess in the tank. I would skip it. IMHO


Tim and Julie B
07-08-03, 11:35 PM
I fed a pair a full grown mouse once very entertaining! But messy. I have fed them pinkies once in a while. It is totally fine as a treat. Also gold fish once in awhile. Worms etc. They do eat some meat in their diets. not to much because it can be bad for them (to much protien).

07-09-03, 01:57 PM
she dosent eat ANY veggies she just dosent like them no matter how many different kinds she is offered