View Full Version : Feeding Information

07-05-03, 01:54 PM
I have an 8 month old BRB. I have fed him twice both times were live fuzzies. I just got in an order of frozen fuzzies. I need help with getting him to eat them. I put them in there and waved them around and layed them there some and he just would not eat. Does anyone have any idea of how I can get him to eat them. I was thinkin gettin one that was live and lettin him eat it then once he is in the eating mood trying a frozen. I really need advice.

07-05-03, 02:05 PM
Yep, thats a good idea. Once you feed a live on, a snake will usually take a dead one.
You can also try fresh killed or stunned (knocked out).
You can dunk it in chicken broth.
You can make it real hot and try and simulate the movement of a live mouse.
You can just leave the mouse at the door of the hide for a night.
You can leave the snake and the rat in a small rubbermaid overnight.
You can brain the mouse (cut its head open and squeeze some brain matter out).


07-05-03, 02:06 PM

Those are two articles you might find helpful!