View Full Version : How do u make an incubator?

07-05-03, 10:16 AM
Ya i was just wondering if anyone knew how to make an incubator instead of buying one cause i can use the money for my lizard..so i was just wondering if someone had made one and it has worked?:)

Tim and Julie B
07-05-03, 12:18 PM
Well this is pretty easy so here's what I got:
10 gallon fish aquarium
styrofoam cut to fit aquarium as a lid
large pickle jar(pickles should be eaten of course):D
submersible heater
deli cups/vermiculite/hole punch/labels

Basically you fill the pickle jar with water, put in the heater and place the whole thing off to one side of the aquarium, then plug in the heater. Whatever type of thermometer you use it should read the temps inside the incubator not inside the deli cups, so place it accordingly. Hole punch 5 or 6 holes into the rim of each deli , fill them 1/3 full of vermiculite and add 3 tbsp of warm water and mix it well. Then you just add your eggs, label them for the date laid and the parental genetics and put the syrofoam lid on, weighted if it doesn't fit tight and viola! easy incubator. If you want to be really cheap skip the heater and place the incubator somewhere that keeps a constant temp. Just remember that you will need that jar filled with water anyways so that the humidity doesn't drop. Hope this helps you out!:D

07-05-03, 04:07 PM
o alirite thanks a lot

07-05-03, 04:25 PM
Here's a link to good instructions:

07-05-03, 04:30 PM
o ok thanks

07-05-03, 08:11 PM
If you click on the camera next to my name it will take you to my gallery where I have step by step instructions with pic illustrating each step.

07-05-03, 08:48 PM
"Boidkeeper" thanks a lot those pictures really helped me understand how to make one...but where can i get one of those things that checks the tempture of the humdity in side that incubator

07-05-03, 09:48 PM
You can get a digital thermometer at any hardware store or WalMart. As for humitdity you can put in one of thoes round pet store ones. They're not totally acurate but they work ok. If your using vermiculite use this method to ensure the right moister; add water slowly to the mix until you can squeeze it and it holds its shape. If water drips out add more dry vermiculite.
As for humidity another good way to check it is to cut out a piece paper towl to match size of the inside of your egg box. Place it inside and check it in a day or two. If it is dry then the box is dry. If it is slimy then the box is too wet. It should just feel damp to the touch.
Good luck,

07-05-03, 10:24 PM
I used the same incubator that Tim And Julie B said to use and so far my turtle eggs are doing good. I would go with that incubator mostly because the reptilia (pet store) next to me uses the same idea and they breed A LOT of herps every month.
good luck

07-05-03, 10:26 PM
ooo ok