View Full Version : telephone booth...

07-03-02, 07:37 PM

i saw an old (only a few years old) telephone booth at the place where i work..and it isnt being used..so i was thinking, and of course me having herps on the brain i figured it would make an awesome cage for my male veiled chameleon...i would just cut out the top and put a nice big screen door on the front (the booth has no door on the front right now) and put in some p;ants and sticks etc. and have myself a fancy new cage!!
has anyone else here ever done that or know of anyone who has? just so i can see how they did it to get some ideas...also..if any of you know where i can buy (or get for free!) a phone booth could you tell me...just incase i cant get the one i saw...thanks

Grant vg
07-03-02, 08:48 PM
all u have to do is sit infront of the telephone booth...about 10-15 feet away....relax ur body and let ur mind run wild...

Think up the most wildest enclosure and picture it...then go over all ur ideas and think whats really practical...then take those practical ideas and think of as many ways they could be made...then cross out anything that sounds impossible...

When i think about building things this is the formula i use....

The best thing is to make things simple but effective...The more u keep it simple and possibly make it so it disassembles easily it will last u a long time for many herps....

Goodluck with the mission..!")