View Full Version : Feeding

07-03-02, 12:35 PM
My little Kali, is such a piggy. Whenever she is hungry she refuses to go in her hidebox and when I am at the computer sits at the side of her tank, when I am in bed she stares at me. well. She is just a little girl, and I have been feeing her one Hopper monday and a fuzzy thursday. That has been my schedule since I had her. and she still wants more to eat? Should I be feeding her a hopper monday and thursday? I am not powerfeeding her, I just don' twant her to be hungry :(

07-03-02, 12:42 PM
she can definitely handle a couple of hoppers every week

07-03-02, 12:47 PM
Just feed her one prey item that is roughly the same size as the largest part of her girth every 5 days and that should be fine.