View Full Version : Giant Ackie, Red, Yellow ????

07-02-03, 09:55 PM
Hello everyone. I think I know the difference of the red and yellows. Thing is where do the Giant Ackies come in? Are they just another name for the Reds or totally different. Any input will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, Ferdinand

07-02-03, 10:48 PM
Red Ackies are generally bigger than the Yellows, but the largest individual recorded (that I know of) was a Yellow. And it was HUGE!

But I've never heard of a race/locale/population of Giant Ackies.

07-03-03, 06:52 AM
"Western Giants" is a marketing term applied to some Yellow Ackies, nothing more. I've seen the so called "giants" in US classifieds where the seller was bragging about a "HUGE", 2-3 year old, 21" male. I have two males that have surpassed 21" by their first birthday, and still growing.

Red and Yellows are relatively easy to distinguish for eachother.......intergraded specimens are where it becomes tricky (though usually still not extremely difficult)

07-03-03, 05:48 PM
Thanks! Very informative stuff!:D All the best!