View Full Version : new SAHARAN uromastyx pics (and sexing question)

07-02-03, 04:53 PM
I was right, the uromastyx I was looking at wasn't a mali, but a Saharan (explains the orange color). Haven't actually brought it home yet, but I paid for it and took some pictures....

<img width="700" height="435" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/02/10822/10822432_0_9127.fpx,0,0,1,1,700,435,FFFFFF">

<img width="700" height="323" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/02/10822/10822433_0_7037.fpx,0,0,1,1,700,323,FFFFFF">

I think it looks like it's in good shape, but since this will be my first uro, I'd appreciate having anything pointed out that I may have missed.

This one's supposed to be around a year old - I know color is usually the best way to sex most uromastyx species, but I'll stick a photo of the vent on here as well - maybe someone out there can give me a guess as to if it's a boy or girl (the petstore that this one originally came from has a larger one with less color right now, i don't know if that might indicate a sex difference, or just individual color variation)

<img width="600" height="450" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/02/10822/10822435_0_4041.fpx,0,0,1,1,600,450,FFFFFF">


07-02-03, 04:55 PM
Oh, and a pic of the (unfinished) 4'x2'x2' cage it's destined for....
<img width="700" height="398" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/02/10822/10822429_0_2154.fpx,0,0,1,1,700,398,FFFFFF">


07-02-03, 08:21 PM
Im pretty sure those are called nigerian uromastyx but than again you could be right with saharan. Who told you it was saharan?

07-03-03, 12:02 AM
My understanding is that the more accepted name for the Nigerian is Saharan, because Nigerian in this case refers to Niger, but they actually come from a number of countries that border the sahara desert in Africa, not just from Niger. (check out saharans at deerfernfarms.com)


07-03-03, 11:38 AM
oooo...ok :) thanks
i learn somthin new everyday!~

07-10-03, 09:42 PM
Uromastyx geyri - Saharan Uro or Nigerian Uro.
Can be used both.

If all people used the Latin names for their animals, the misunderstanding would be a lot smaler.

My Uro-site (http://www.doornstaart.nl)

07-11-03, 09:37 PM
do you have that site in english? ;)

reptile boi
07-11-03, 10:04 PM
Theres an overpriced petshop down here in ottawa, ontario that has the exact same kind of uro, exept its all pure orange!


07-12-03, 12:24 AM
I'm just curious... how much are they asking for it? I know mine was $300 when the original owner bought it from a Petland.

Mine's <i>supposed</i> to not be pure orange because it's only a year old.... I'm not sure if the age I was given is actually right. It's possible it's also a female, or just not a highly colored uro. Hopefully at some point I can figure out if it's a boy or a girl, and find it a mate.


07-12-03, 06:38 PM
Im pretty sure thats a male Saharan Uro.

07-13-03, 06:52 PM
Looks male to me. He is absolutely GORGEOUS! Wow!

07-13-03, 07:07 PM
Beautiful uro! Congrats! :D

I love the pic in your avatar! :p

07-13-03, 07:16 PM
Looks like a female

07-14-03, 07:20 PM
Thanks all, glad you like it.... what makes you all (mostly) guess male?

I finally got it measured - it's about 6" svl, or 10" snout to tail. At an adult size of 11"-14", I'm guessing this one is actually older than I was told. Hopefully it'll be one of the 14 inchers, and still have some growing and coloring up to do.

If it would help with guesses at sex, I can take a full belly shot and post it....

<img width="480" height="640" src="http://image.photoloft.com/opx-bin/OpxFIDISA.dll?s=cano&src=/Photoloft/Asset21/2003/07/14/10871/10871656_0_6813.fpx,0,0,1,1,480,640,FFFFFF">
In a temporary home (125L sterlite tub) until the big cage is done.


07-14-03, 07:30 PM
Well, two reasons I think it is a male are the pre-anal pores and the hemi-penal bulges. :D

07-14-03, 08:22 PM
It look's like a male to me and it is for sure a Nigerian here is one of my Nigerian's

and here is a Mali

do you no if your's is a WC or CB?


07-18-03, 02:46 PM
very nice

07-23-03, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Bartman
do you have that site in english? ;)

No, I havenīt. :(

But who knows... when I have the time to translate it. :confused:

07-23-03, 09:48 PM
Very cute pics :D


07-24-03, 11:40 PM
Burmese Python, most likely my guy is a WC.... I don't think there are many CB saharans around yet - my understanding is they only began importing uromastyx geryi in 2001. Also, since my guy originally came from a petstore (and it looks like he has a few small scars on his sides), odds are very good that he's WC.


Tim and Julie B
07-24-03, 11:45 PM
We have a pair of those but the male is more orange then that one. Very cool looking Uro's!

07-25-03, 08:34 PM
Tim and Julie, can I ask where you got your pair from? I might want to get a female for my male eventually.


07-28-03, 07:58 PM
i think it's a male too. the pre-anal pores are huge in the pic! that is the number one way to tell a sex. he is beautiful! good luck with him!!!
lynsey :)