View Full Version : Feeding frogs

07-02-03, 11:21 AM
One of my tadpoles has turned into a frog. I'm planning on feeding the frogs 1/4" crickets. Is there anything else I can treat the frogs with? I don't know what kind of frogs they are and I don't have a camera. I found them in a stream in Ottawa at Andrew Hayden Park.

Also, if anyone here is from Ottawa, do you know a good place to find good sized snails in the area, other than a pet shop?


07-02-03, 02:15 PM
Firstly, I'm not sure what kind of frog this is, whether or not it is a frog or not. Gererally speaking, keep it in a small container and offer food a lot. These little ones need as much food as possible and as often. Depending ont he size of the little bugger, which I take is not THAT big, you should feed the smallest type of cricket possible but MORE of the food item. That way, this wont cause eating problems or any internal problems. You would also like to have the crickets "gut laoded" and dust the crickets every other feeding. As for other food items, I would stick with crickets for two solid reasons.

1. They do not cause impaction like other critters which are found in and around the yard.

2. They CAN have lots of nutrional value as you want. They are not "empty" foods.

Good luck with the little ones. Send pictures IF possible!!!

Oh, and dont leave ANY food items in the tank. These cause stress problems and may even hurt the animal.

Tim and Julie B
07-02-03, 03:41 PM
Bloodworms in the frozen foods section in the petstores.:D