View Full Version : Day 59 for first clutch and ...

07-02-03, 09:32 AM
...still nothing:mad: I'm down to eight. Parents were male lave het for anery and an anery. I will get normals and anerys, all het for lavender.

Here is her second clutch. This time my snow is the father, I hope she is het for snow. Check out all the windows. I was giving her calcium too for her second clutch but I guess maybe not enough. It will be cool though to see some of the snakes through the windows.

07-02-03, 11:14 AM
Wow such round eggs in the first photo! I am still at 19 eggs, but I am on day 63 today and no sign of hatching yet! this wait sucks! Good luck with those!


07-02-03, 11:34 AM
yeah I know how suck it is to wait...but what's even worse is to have a clutch or two hatch and then wait for the others.....(this is what happened to me....my candy cane, amel and banded hatched but there are at least a few hundred more being incubated) And this wait is even worse....since it'salmost almost time....

hope that the eggs will hatch very soon!!!