View Full Version : Wierd Coastal carpet snake
Have a look at this one and tell me what you think people.
My girlfriend calls it a "blonde" and it throws the strangest colour babies you have ever seen.
wow.. that is weird.. sweet looking, but weird
I'm in love, that is one cool carpet.
Is she a wild or captive bred? Any baby pictures.
Have a look at these Mardy, almost no black on em and a funny pinky colour.
Sorry shes captive bred and I still have the stock as well. :)
this is the first breeding we got out of her
Very Cool Last pic almost looks like an Amazon Tree
Is the mom captive bred too? Was thinking maybe at some point in here genes there was a cross with a scrub ssp.
Wild Carpet though. You can send some my way too anytime you want :D Speccially a female !!!
Yeah mom captive bred too.
I have checked the scale patterns and its all coastal carpet so go figure, its just a wierd *** snake!!!
SWEET!!! Now if you could just figure out how to overcome the export restrictions I would be ALL GOOD!!!
Ok you figure how to get me a BIG *** retic and I will swap ya a cool carpet :)
GOOD bloody LUCK!!!
heeh How bout a soon to be big retic?lol
Ok I'll be on the next plane with my large trouser
Not a cross(with a scrub) you can tell by the shape and scales on the head.IMO
07-02-03, 09:08 AM
I am with Ed... I thought that one pic was of an ATB and not a coastal :)
Great looking snakes... at first I thought that it might look like it had some scrub mixed in.
Yeah, it does look a bit scrubby. It's amazing. Oh if only we could do artificial imsemination.
wow .. nice snake..
If we had those colors here it would be worth a fortune!
Awesome looking snake! :D
07-02-03, 04:07 PM
yeah that is one cool looking coastal! Never seen anything like that.
07-02-03, 07:22 PM
That is one crazy looking coastal... very cool!
07-02-03, 08:26 PM
Great googly moogly! Looks like a Hog Island Boa!!
What the hell is a hog Island Boa ???
07-03-03, 01:14 AM
Ha ha Rick, my friend, type it into a search engine (ala Yahoo!) and you will find out. I guarantee it.
Cool looking snake Jeff, do you have any of them ??
07-04-03, 12:52 AM
Heh heh, yes. I have a "few" of them.... :D
i've seen calico scrubs.. that's what kinda looks like is going on. of course i'm only guessing... maybe it's got a lil calico in it.
07-07-03, 03:51 PM
Where have you seen a calico scrub???
07-07-03, 03:54 PM
That snake is AWESOME!!
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