View Full Version : Not seeing my geckos eat

07-01-03, 07:47 PM
Hey everyone

Does anybody have any advice about how i can actually see my gekocs eat? Becasue every time i feed them, leave the room, come back, the crikcets and mealowrms are mostly gone. I looked around and the crickets or mealowrms havent burried anywhere. I am sure that the geckos are eating,i would just like to watch them eat....

Thanks in advance

07-01-03, 09:30 PM
Just don't leave the room for a few minutes.

07-01-03, 09:46 PM
Try to throw the mealies in front of them. Works for me!

07-02-03, 08:26 AM
How long have you had the leos. I know my new leos don't like to eat infront of me. It will usually take them a few months before they will. but eventually they will come around.

hehe i have most of my leos spoiled i feed them with tongs.

I was showing that off last night to a friend he wanted to see them eat mealies, so i broke out the tongs and the leos went to town i had 3 of them lined up to eat.

07-02-03, 08:35 AM
Next time you feed them instead of leaving the room, stay and watch them from an area that you are not too visible. Keep quiet and still and they should think you are gone and eat. I have a shy one too and if I am too close to the tank she looks up at me as if to say: "ummm, you're still here!!!" and waits till I am out of sight to have dinner.


07-03-03, 05:11 AM
Since the geckos are nocturnal, they will probably eat at night therefor, you should do what I do. I bought a 50watt red heat lamp. When it's dark in the room, turn on the red light and sit still in a chair or something for a few minutes. Since the geckos are blind to the colour red, they will still think that it is perfectly dark in the room and they won't see you.

07-03-03, 08:43 AM
Yes emily that is what i do but they just stare at me and dont eat. But when icome back in the room later alot of the mealoworms are gone

07-03-03, 08:56 AM
Patience, patience, patience!!!

Sometimes we have fussier pets and unfortunately they won't always behave like we would like them to!

Try sitting in the room with your red light on and wait it out. Almost like a blinking contest!!! lol Eventually they will get bored of looking at you and turn their attention to their food. Make sure you have something to keep you busy (book, magazine, gameboy, etc.) because it can take some time! But patience will be rewarding. I may not happen the first night or two but this way they will start getting used to your quiet presence in the room and start eating while you are there.


07-03-03, 08:58 AM
Speaking of a gameboy related system. NINTENDO those systems are the best, i used to play them all the time at my friends houses. And now that im older im getting one of my own!!!! That and super nintendo are the best!!!