View Full Version : first shed

07-01-03, 11:18 AM
Well my baby water dragon (12") has just gone into his first shed since he has been with me... I want to make this go as smoothly as possible so I keep spraying him with a mister and he sits in his water a lot... is there anything else i can do to help him? can i take the hanging skin off or should i just leave it? Any suggestions on this would help... I am being a paranoid mama :)

Thanks for the help!

07-01-03, 06:52 PM
I would think that you should only take the skin off the is totally unattached off. But this could also be bad because he might need that skin to bite it and stretch the rest off. I would just tell you to leave it because since he anyways sits in the water. I dont know much about WD but i would think its the same for every animal. good luck :)