View Full Version : yet another question

06-30-03, 12:26 PM
i dont think corn and king snakes are constrictors, if they are then just tell me they are and go about your busyness, but if they arnt how do they feed? or are all nonvenomous snakes constrictors? eh im confused

06-30-03, 12:45 PM
Yes, corn and kings are constrictors. However, if they are raised on f/t mice and never see a live one, they usually will not constrict their food.

06-30-03, 03:36 PM
Yes they are. Not all nonvenomous snakes are, it depends on what they eat. Think of the egg eating snake constricting an egg that would be funny to see! lol It all depends on their food and whether or not it needs to be constricted or not.