View Full Version : hopefully started on the right foot

06-29-03, 02:55 PM
remember me, with the two BPs, that would not eat? well i am close to seperating them (week or two), and have just fed them. not on their own accord unfortunately, BUT i force fed them, and after i got the mouse down as far as i could, i put them in their cage,a nd they started to swallow, (you know, with that "s" motion), so i am hoping they won't regurg. keep ya posted.

By the way, could this start them on a normal feeding cycle, or will it take them a few more force feeds??

thanx- Jacob

06-29-03, 03:58 PM
How long have you had them? I do not know the story behind them, but typically forcefeeding is used as an absolute last resort, when the snakes have become emaciated and whatnot. It is highly stressful on snakes, and can cause them to refuse future feedings. Ball Pythons especially are very timid and easily stressed, so you should avoid forcefeeding if possible, since often the reason they will refuse to feed is due to stress... forcefeeding can just compound that problem.

06-30-03, 06:20 AM
Well i fed them on on their 50th day of not eating, which would make them about two months old. one had lost so much wheight that the sides if his cheeks wer flat, and had "wings", or lateral folds of skin down his body!! the other had only lost alittle weight. i was really scared for them.

06-30-03, 10:31 AM
By the way, could this start them on a normal feeding cycle, or will it take them a few more force feeds??
Great question to ask before force feeding so that you can decide whether or not you want to go a head with it or not.

i was really scared for them.
Then you should have separated them. Seperating these snakes and setting them up proberly may have eliminated all your problems. Now instead of one problamatic snake you have two all because you would not go out and buy one $15 rubbermaid to set one up in.
Best of luck though,