View Full Version : relieved

06-28-03, 06:45 PM
See I Got those snakes that were feeding on only Live food..

My little burm is getting pretty big and eats a big medium rat,
and my male carpet is eating a medium rat too..

I wasnt too worried about the carpet to kill his prey, he was fed on live food all his life and he ALWAYS got it from the head (at least in my care), but my burm is like.. hummm without talent.. she got some cut from rats, nothing too serious and healed to disapear...

So I bought 2 live rat and had the courage to "fresh kill" them... (they were my first rats, I only had to kill some mice at the job)
I was relieved to see that both of them took it..
Now I only need them to feed on frozen/thawed rats ! :)

06-28-03, 06:51 PM
Awesome Mary!
its a great feeling eh, not to have to feed live anymore! Good for you and your snakes!

Many congratulations.


Colonel SB
06-29-03, 08:30 AM
Good job Mary, it's always hard to kill your first rat. I they should take FT just give them a little time.

06-29-03, 12:53 PM
Thank you very much,
Im just worried about my burm who is picky with food...
She took once a FT rat but it was one that I gave her right after a rat that she killed... She never took another one by herself after that...
I just hope she will keep on eating Fresh killed rats for awhile at least... I dont really like killing rats...
I kind of like them...

Thanks again :)

Colonel SB
06-29-03, 01:41 PM
This might sound kida mean but if she is a good weight it wont cause any probs. So if she is giving you trouble taking FT, just skip a feeding or two until she gets hungry lol then she should have no probs taking FT rats that are placed in her cage. Burms usually have good feeding responses :) lol thats an understament. It worked well with my WC retics when they got hungry enough they took what ever I threw in the cage lol.

06-29-03, 02:57 PM
heheh I've tried this too... she didnt ate for about a 1 1/2 month before I was tired and gave her a live rat... She's still small for her age, I hope she'll catch up with years... she was born from 2 pretty small parents..

06-29-03, 03:42 PM
Congrats! It's always a weight off the shoulders when once they are swtiched over :)

07-23-03, 12:50 AM
Defrost a rat in an airtight zip lock bag, it gives lots of odour and snakes go crazy for it!

07-23-03, 09:03 AM
Congrats, it's great when they take that first frozen or pre-killed meal.

07-23-03, 11:57 AM
I wish I was having that level of luck with my live-feeding Kenyan. She wouldn't even take a fresh kill. I'm still going to try though, and congrats on your success! (Send some of that luck my way!)

07-23-03, 06:12 PM
Is that the snake that you bet you could switch over, invictus? either way, good luuuuckkk!! :D