View Full Version : ichiro's cage

06-28-03, 06:24 PM
the bottom was pine shavings, but since then it was been replaced with paper towel :)


07-01-03, 02:35 AM
nice cage it looks like he has lots of room to wander how big is he ?

07-01-03, 07:23 AM
he is 16 inches in total including the tail ... say that, most poeple who see him think he is closer to 21-24 inches long ... its kinda weird, but yeah, he is happy

07-01-03, 09:26 AM
Great setup. Those reptariums are awesome, aren't they? I don't keep lizards myself, but I have friends who do, and the reptariums are great.

07-01-03, 01:57 PM

Looks good (when the bark is removed as you say you have already done, one small piece can cause an internal blockage and kill your chameleon) but live plants will be better for him then those plastic ones. If you have not done so already add at least one large Ficus, Umbrella, or pothos plant/tree. Your chameleon looks under feed and dehydrated in the picture, or is it just the angle and I am seeing things? Hope this helps!

07-01-03, 02:58 PM
i have tried ... but sadly to say that the plant was a breeding ground for tiny flies which in the end infested my chams home and my dwarfs home, and it took me a week so far (still working) to clean out my room and his cage of the tiny flies ... needless to say i had to through away from tree, but i dont have the funds to keep replacing them :( i did however, at one point, have alive tree so :) LOL i guess it was lucky i had not yet introduced the plant into his cage, before i realized the infestation

07-01-03, 03:00 PM
ooo - totally the angel ... ask trace :)
he sometimes wont eat, no matter how much we offer him, and i does get frusterating, and the drinking is well ... not going good ... but healthy none the less
ask trace if you dont beleive me, she has been over several times to help me with this bugger
thanks for your concern tho

Greg W
07-01-03, 03:46 PM
Those tiny black flies are called fungus gnats. They love moist soil. You can get rid of them by crumbling a mosquito dunk (available at garden centers and on the net for less than ten bucks) into a bucket of warm water and let it sit overnight. Then water your plants with it for about ten days. That should kill all the larva. Mosquito dunks are made with Bacillus thuringiensis which is a natural biological insecticide that won’t affect plants of animals.

Greg W
07-01-03, 03:48 PM
That should have been "plants OR animals".

07-02-03, 01:40 PM
here is a better picture for you john .. i hope this works ... it shows him MUCH better ... in the pic with him in the cage, he was sucking in ... i think i scared him - LOL


07-02-03, 01:41 PM
oops .. didnt work
lets try again


07-11-03, 05:28 PM
Nice setup, how big is that reptarium. I also have one but i find it to be dark unless you have tonns of lights. Nice Cham and great pic.

07-11-03, 05:31 PM
Nice setup indeed:D:D

07-11-03, 08:34 PM
wow thats great....the chameleon do seem pretty skinny but if its in good conditon then i guess its fyne but the steup is great! good job!

07-23-03, 02:16 PM
the reptarium is 100 gallons ... and sadly my veiled is only living in it for another week or so .. then my m??????? 'rainbow' panther is moving in, and he is going to live with trace :(