View Full Version : feeding pinks

06-28-03, 11:56 AM
How often could I feed my whites tree frog pinky mice? Also if i'm feeding pinkies how often should I supplement with vitamin powder when he gets crickets or mealies?

thanks all,


Phil Beaudoin
06-28-03, 10:17 PM

You can feed the pinks fairly regularly, as in a couple times a week if you wish, however, I'v read some things that say frogs with a high diet in fatty foods can develope cataracts that can lead to blindness. I fed a horned frog almost solely mice for a almost a year and never noticed a thing. So it may not be true. But still, white's are prone to obeisity and if you notice a gain in weight over an extended periode of time, you might want to hold back. AS for vitamin dusting, you could assume that the calcium obtained from the bones of the pink does serve a as a decent source, that's assuming of course that the supplment is just for calcium, but pinks would also cover a fairly braod range of minerals and such, so that would cover a multi minerl supplement. So I just suggest that you continue your present regime of dusting insects, ie. every other insect meal you dust, or ever third. Maybe go a bit lighter, either way it would not pose any problems.


06-29-03, 05:39 AM
I would say feed your White's Treefrog pinkies once a week at the most although once every 1 1/2 weeks to 2 weeks is better. Mealworms are not very safe to feed to frogs in general unless they are newly molted(white) ones. Even so, I try to avoid feeding mealies in total to my froggies. As for supplementing the crickets, putting the crickets in a container with a bit of calcium dust and shaking them around every third feeding is the best thing to do so basically supplement the crickets once a week.