View Full Version : gecko stuck in tree????

06-27-03, 04:40 PM
Hey everyone,
I just went in my room to check on my geckos and i noticed that one of them was missing (padro). When i searched around I finally found him in the tree. So i took him down. 15 minutes later i went back in and he was there again. When i go to grab him he doesnt run away like what he usually does. So i'm wondering if he goes up there and then realizes he can't get down? Is this ok, like is he just going up there to rest, or is he up there and gets stuck?


06-27-03, 06:01 PM
what do you mean by in the tree??? is it climbing onto the tree on the outside, or climbing inside the tree???? or do you have a pic of the tree.

06-27-03, 06:03 PM
no i do not have a pic but i will have apic either tomorrow or the day after, so look for my post reading "pics of my geckos"i will have a pic showing what it looks like.

What he does is climbs the tree and just stays there. i dont know weather he stays there becasue he is stuck or becasue he wants to. hes climbing inside the tree

06-27-03, 06:07 PM
huh i don't know try to get a pic so i have a better idea what he is doing so i can help you better.

I know a few of my girls love to climb the outside of this one tree, and sit up there for awhile but they always end up coming down on their own.

06-27-03, 06:09 PM
oh ok good as long as they will come down without any of my assistance. thanks

06-27-03, 06:52 PM
yes even though you here leos don't like to climb, i don't belive it's true. most of my leos love to climb.

06-27-03, 06:53 PM
I just found out that i cant get the camera for a little while. but still look for my post

06-28-03, 02:52 PM
my female luvvvs to climb on her hides and she's tried to jump out of her tank once and she scared the h3ll outta me!! When you can get a cam take a few pics of him in that tree :D.

06-29-03, 09:35 AM
My male too love to climb. Seems like it's a really normal behavior!


06-29-03, 12:57 PM
Yes i should have some pics of them pretty soon. look for my post probably saying "new leopard geckos"