View Full Version : Questions about young frogs (not tads)

06-27-03, 01:19 PM
Hi, I recently caught 6 small frogs... I have a couple questions.

What kind are they? They are small, green and have very small black spots and their eyes are black.

What do I feed them?

And how should I house them?

The most important question I have is the first, what kind are they? because if I know that I can look up care about them.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!


06-27-03, 02:57 PM
From you location, I would say they are toads or small green frogs. Without seeing a picture I cannot venture to say what species.

Caring for them can be tough. Because they are so small they are going to need to be kept moist most of the time. Getting the right size food item is tough too. Due to their size, it is hard to find crickets small enough for them to get into their mouths.

Housing them is the easiest part. A small tank with a moist paper towel on the bottom. A water bowl that is real shallow and a little piece of something for them to hide under.

Good Luck.

Try to get some pictures and post them. Or just send them to me and I will ID them for you.
