View Full Version : URO Eggs!

06-27-03, 01:07 AM

My breeding group of mali uros JUST layed!!!!!!

I was not expecting this at all!!!

I was not ready......!!NO incubator or nothing!!

So i had to run out buy a aqurium heater..n make my own out of a cooler......

The temp is not stable---its going from 86F-91F

What can I do??

They have all turned nice and hard!!...10 in total

I should have been more prepaired!:(

Hopefully Gino or some 1 else will help me Incubate them---That temp change on my quick incubator is freaking me out!!!

Wish me LUCK GUYS!

Thanks T.P

06-27-03, 07:41 AM
congrats on the uro eggs. We are producing very limited numbers this year. Actually I think everything we hatch we will be holding back,. So its good to see someone else is going to have some.

email us or call if you want and maybe we can help.

06-27-03, 07:38 PM
Hey Gillards! Pudge is doing great! She is happy as a hardwicky in July!

Tim and Julie B
06-27-03, 07:45 PM
Awsome congrads! I wish I had the cash to get them (got the BCI though :D)! I have been looking at them on the classifieds! Great news man! That is awsome. Hope it all goes well!