View Full Version : new enclosure

06-27-03, 12:50 AM
what would be the best setup for a two foot gopher snake

06-27-03, 01:13 AM
It could be a 30 gal tank (temporary). Ideally, you'd build him something big enough to house him forever, like a 4 x 2 x 2 melamine/glass cage.

If you want to go for a naturalistic set up, then you'll want to use cypress mulch as bedding. Otherwise a piece of indoor/outdoor carpet or a piece of astroturf (have 2 same-sized pieces do you can clean them), or newspaper or paper towel.
You'll also need a hidebox... you could buy something for a petstore or just use an over-turned margarine tub or plant pot with a hole in the side.
You'll also need a water bowl large enough for a snake to bathe in... this also can be store-bought for a cool rocky look, or just a plastic tubberware.
For light you can use a regular 40Watt bulb on a timer (either 12hr light/12hr dark, or just use the same as the day = sun comes up, timer goes on. sun goes down, timer goes off). For heat a UTH is good... a reptile heat pad or even a human heat pad will do. Try to put it at a medium or low setting to make sure a power surge doesnt burn your snake. This will work in a tank, but if you're going for a cage you might want to try heat rope (go to yahoo.com and type in Heat Rope for info), or a ceramic heat emiter. Even a large bulb would work, but anything that gets too hot to touch should be boxed up with a metal mesh care, so the snake doesnt wrap around it and burm himself.
Then, of course, the snake needs furnishings. Stick in some branches, some rocks (these help in shedding) and some vines (fake or real). Mist a couple times a week to keep the humidity up.

** if you're keeping this snake in a cage with lose substrate (like mulch or coconut bedding) make sure you feed the snake in a different cage so he doesnt ingest bits of substrate that stick to the mouse/rat and get impacted or mouth rot.


07-02-03, 09:10 PM
my burmese has just reached a great 8 feet long and i would like some ideas on what size cage end any building ideas that would make it extra strong to keep him in.