View Full Version : getting ready to lay...

Grant vg
06-27-03, 12:23 AM
Well, its been about 40-41 days since she had her pre-lay shed, and although its taken failry longer then the norm, i think she is about to lay.

Shes currently in a very akward position on her side ,and looks to be having what i would consider to be contractions in a snake.
Breathing heavily, etc...

So, although ive been saying tonight will be the night for the past two weeks, i really do think it will happen tonight. if not, hopefully tomorrow.

Heres to hoping that theres atleast one good egg.

Thanks for lookin,

http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/507/5bl_002.jpg http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/507/5bl_001.jpg

06-27-03, 02:07 AM
Good luck, nice pics, Potts

06-27-03, 07:08 AM
nice grant, keep us updated, looks like she may drop some really nice looking babies

06-27-03, 08:19 AM
Good luck with her...hopefully she lays those eggs soon.... I know she's had you on edge for a while now! Can't wait to see what the babies look like, hopefully like their mommy :)

06-27-03, 11:43 PM
Break a Leg there VG! She's a big girl!
I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya..

Grant vg
06-28-03, 12:53 AM
thanks for all the crossed fingers guys!

So, she didn't lay last night or this morning, but i still have faith in this girl. I palpated her up tonight and theres definately a bunch of eggs (or slugs) in her...right up to the vent.

So although things are taking very long, i am still convinced she is going to go through with it without problems. However, since day 40, dystocia has been on my mind ever since.

Any signs other then the obvious i should look for in an egg bound female???


grant vg

06-28-03, 12:07 PM
Man, that blood is so awesome. I so wouldn't mind having one of her babies...

06-30-03, 08:23 PM
WOW i hope you have a good hatch rate

06-30-03, 10:44 PM
any update VG?? We're all sitting on pins h ere dude.. lol..

Grant vg
06-30-03, 11:44 PM
hey, id like an update too!!!
Ive been asking her when the date is, but she keeps giving me the same look!?!?!

Ive lost count of how many days its been, dont really care anymore...lol
as long as she doesn't get egg-bound!!!

06-30-03, 11:59 PM
i can only imagine what you must be going through.. Give her a red stripe and tell her to get to it man.. She's prolly getting p!ssed with you checking on her all the time too. lol

07-04-03, 10:49 PM
Still no update??? Good luck with her!

07-07-03, 02:30 PM
what is the substrate you are using?

07-13-03, 03:22 AM
Hey Grant, any news yet?

07-13-03, 03:26 AM
Mason: I believe that is carefresh, if im not mistaken. Most pet stores are carrying it now, if not all...