View Full Version : my crested gecko egg stcuk to contianer!!!

06-26-03, 11:07 PM
guys.. my female laid a pair of eggs and 1 of them is stuck to the bottom of the containter.. what do i do? heLP!!!!!!!!

06-26-03, 11:20 PM
Cut out the part of the container its stuck on? or incubate the entire container? tuck some verm (or whatever) around the egg though.

Fraid thats all the insight I can put forth!

06-26-03, 11:24 PM
right now i have cut the container.. and the eggs are around half way under the vermuculite... and im not too sure if it is too dry or too wet.. any way i can tell?

06-26-03, 11:35 PM
well the general rule is:
by weight:
1 : 1 (water : vermiculite)

by touch:
Keep adding water until when you squeeze the verm, it stays clumped together but no water drips out.

That works for leos and fat-tails, and I think would work for cresties too. Or look up the exact humidity.


06-26-03, 11:38 PM
ok.. i think i got that about right.. now the problem about the container peice still on.. what do i do.. anyone know?

06-27-03, 10:33 AM
This has happened to me twice this year with leo eggs. I took a really thin bendable ruler and slid it underneath until they came off. You have to be very careful not to damage them.

06-27-03, 10:36 AM
razor blade very carefully

06-27-03, 06:54 PM
would it be ok if i just left the egg with some of the container still stuck to it?

07-12-03, 10:18 AM
It will probably be ok to leave the piece of container on, but you have to watch very carefully for condensation. The exact same thing has happened to me before, on some occasions I pry the eggs off, others I just leave them on the container and replace the medium with a sponge. Both ways worked fairly well, I guess the right choice depends on how long the eggs have been stuck there.
I hope everything turns out ok. :)

07-12-03, 10:49 AM
:S... the eggs are starting to have mold on it.. :S.. what should i do.. could i just leave it on? or what else? thanks

07-13-03, 07:18 AM
:(... they don't hold up too well against mold. Try removing as much as you can from the eggs, then wash out the container, replace the medium and add a bit of anti fungal foot powder. Hopefully it will be able to slow down the mold. (try not to let the powder come in direct contact with the egg) Normally it's a really bad idea to disturb eggs this much, but they don't have much of a chance if you just leave them.
I forgot to ask this before, but are you sure they are fertile?