View Full Version : Beaded Dragons

Anole Guy
06-26-03, 05:27 PM
I might get a beaded dragon.The problem is that I don't know anything about them besides that they like a sandy enviorment.I need to know about cages,price ect.Can I keep 2 females together with out them fighting?What are some good websites to visit?Thanks.

06-26-03, 05:58 PM
Beardies need Heat uva,uvb lights.They eat a veriety of greens.They also need cooler temps in areas of the cage so they can cool off if they need to,a hide,they also eat a veriety of insects eg.crickets,silk worms,meal worms,etc.Two Female Beardies shouldn't fight make sure that they are close in size.Do not put Two males together.Try dragontank.com and use the links.Hope i helped a bit GOOD LUCK!Oh don't feed meal worms to young beardies.

06-26-03, 09:47 PM
Wizer is right... visit http://ww.DragonTank.com . That place is awesome for bearded dragon information! Make sure you do LOTS of research BEFORE getting a beardie, although they make great pets in the longrun... it's so much better to have things set up correctly before problems arise then having to deal with 20 problems at once! Yikes. Also, try searching on google.com for ''Bearded Dragon Care Sheets'' and you should find LOTS of info! And last but not least, feel free to e-mail me at any time to ask questions or IM me. My e-mail address and MSN Messenger is dragonfreak7189@hotmail.com and my AOL Instant Messenger is wildmustang1486. Hope to see you around dragontank! :D GOOD LUCK!

P.S.- Two females CAN be housed together without any problems. Also, NEVER feed mealworms to a dragon under 12 inches.

Anole Guy
06-27-03, 12:47 PM
What is impactation?What causes it and what are the signs?

06-27-03, 02:57 PM
Impaction is when eg.say ur beardie eats some sand with his/her food,crickets it could have a problem passing it (going to the bathroom)it gets stuck and causes ur dragon big problems even death.Same with feeding a young beardie mealworms those can cause impaction hope i helped a bit some one else can prob. explain it a little better

07-06-03, 02:29 PM
An impaction happens when a dragon eats something that it cannot pass. Mealworms have a hard exo-skeleton and chitin in them and this is not digested very well by beardies. It starts to clump and block up the intestines and bowel system of a dragon and sometimes causes hind-leg paralysis and/or total paralization of a dragon! It can also result in death! Signs of an impaction could be that the dragon is not eating at all or that the dragon hasn't pooped in a very long time. If treated quick enough, some impactions can be taken care of and removed with surgery at a vets office. Though, this can be extremely expensive so therefore... any risk of impactions should be carefully thought out. In other words, make sure you don't keep young dragons(under 12 inches in total length) on sand and NEVER EVER feed mealworms to your dragon. Hope this helps you understand a little better!

07-06-03, 10:09 PM
Thanks for explaining that a little better i knew what i wanted to say then when i started i drew a blank lol

07-08-03, 02:09 PM
No problem! :D

07-11-03, 06:38 PM
Ya do a lot of research before getting one it would help a lot and when i checked at google they had lots of great info and get ur tank ready before you get it....it would help you a lot good luck!