View Full Version : yellow rat snake

06-26-03, 11:53 AM
hey guys, i have a yellow rat snake in my care, rescued it. I know their general husbandry but can someone give me more info on them...
it is in fact a yellow rat snake, i have seen pics but this rat snake looks like its mouth is open all the time. Im also wondering what their temperment is like.

Tim and Julie B
06-26-03, 12:05 PM
They are great snakes. Good temperment and easy to handle. One of my favorites! Yes they can look like their mouth is partily open all the time. Mine do that as well. I have no idea why. Maybe it is an odd trait in yellow rats.

06-26-03, 10:00 PM
When you say "rescued", what do you mean? From a situation of bad care? Or from harm's way? The reason I ask is because the description of the mouth always open could be something more serious if the snake was in an environment that was "questionable" or unsanitary. Any obvious signs of mucous or wheezing? Keep him clean, in the 80'sF and dry with clean water to drink and he should be fine fed once a week on p/k mice. Anyway, yellow rats are usually very hardy, eat well and even the feisty wild caught ones quiet down if handled surely and often. How 'bout a pic? We love pics!

06-27-03, 10:05 AM
actually he was at the humane society for 3 weeks undergoing screening and quaranteening, vet checked, and everything. The kw humane society is very good with reptiles.

06-27-03, 11:22 AM
I wish I could ay that about all of 'em. Good luck with your new snake.