View Full Version : Tangerin Honduran Milksnake, laying her eggs

06-26-03, 12:17 AM
You know, I'm mildly upset. I went out and bought new sphagnum moss( I only do that once a decade lol) I make her up a nice moist nest box, and look.. She dumps them on the lid!!
She's not done yet.. 10 and counting
<img src=http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/509/1801hondoeggsjune26_03-med.jpg>

06-26-03, 12:48 AM
Way cool.

They look rounder than normal, no?

I see no black tipping. That snake kicks a$$.


06-26-03, 01:16 AM
lol, she doesn't understand you have to go INside!

06-26-03, 01:21 AM
You're too kind Jeff, thanks... she has some tipping, the males are always cleaner, but I produced here and she represents about 15 years of selective work with only wild caught lineage. After many years of Honduran work,I sold all my Hondos a few years ago, but then after Terry Dunham's article in Reptiles mag, was given my nicest pair back, by fellow Canadian breeder Craig Stewart(The Urban Gecko & The Urban Chondro) What a gentleman! Guess he just couldn't see me out of the Hondo game.
Of course, I've recently imported Hypos now and albinos as well, so there's you, me ,Pogue and Marc now working them, and I'm sure several others
Hypos are my favourite. That's what I was trying to produce all those years... super clean.., wide symmetrical bands and zero tipping... Hypos rule!! I still gasp every time I look at those things.

06-26-03, 01:40 AM
The hypos are way cool man. I can only imagine hypos in the mix with all those super-tangerines you produced over the years!! Crazy.

Albinos should be fun to work with though eh? What about that calico that was in that article? What was the final say on that one?

Simon R. Sansom
06-26-03, 04:44 AM
Yes, that is an exceptional female, Roy.
Like Jeff says, just imagine the possibilities now that you've got the hypo gene to add to your already-amazing blood-line!
Good luck with those eggs, too!


Colonel SB
06-26-03, 08:19 AM
LOL some snake just can't get it. She is a sweet mommy.

06-26-03, 12:02 PM
That's a gorgeous Honduran. Good luck with the eggs!

06-26-03, 11:19 PM
Just a quick follow up...She took a full 24 hours to deposit her clutch..A big clutch too at 13, all fertile and now safely in the incubator.
Jeff F what's your largest clutch size out of Hondos? I historically have always got 8 to 12.

06-27-03, 01:14 AM
12 eggs is my biggest to date. I know Marc B routinely gets 14 eggs and I think his record is 16!! (You'd have to ask him though).

I might have a HUGE one later this year. We'll see though....

07-20-03, 11:38 PM
wow nice pic nice snake and hopefully nice babies