View Full Version : Shedding

06-25-03, 03:16 AM
hey everyone, i just had a question about , well i guess you have seen, shedding. well the problem i have is that i got my BP on the 1st of june. so it's been about 24 days since getting her and she's about 2-3 months now and approx. 17-18 inches. so she is still a baby. i've fed her like 4 times already and have found her defication too. i was just wondering what the frequency of sheeding should be. i'm thinking that she should have shed already but i'm not sure.

i have her in a 25 gallon long tank, with terra fibre (coconut bark) as the substrate. i also have it humid (the substrate is somewhat wet) and i have a cave for her to hide in, a water bowl, and an elevated section under the lamp.

should i be worried that she has not shed yet? i guess i'm just worried cause i have leopard geckos and they seem to shed about every 2 weeks for me.

thanks for everything

06-25-03, 09:31 AM
Nope your snake will shed when its ready too. A few days before it actually sheds the eyes will become hazy blue. Just keep the cage humid enough. If possible soak your snake for at least 10 minutes in luke warm water, this will help her shed.

Big Mike
06-25-03, 09:56 AM
Don't worry...it will happen. Just watch for signs and make sure the humidity is high enough. Better yet, don't keep the humidity too high all the time and put in a humid hide when you notice that she is about to shed.