06-25-03, 03:16 AM
hey everyone, i just had a question about , well i guess you have seen, shedding. well the problem i have is that i got my BP on the 1st of june. so it's been about 24 days since getting her and she's about 2-3 months now and approx. 17-18 inches. so she is still a baby. i've fed her like 4 times already and have found her defication too. i was just wondering what the frequency of sheeding should be. i'm thinking that she should have shed already but i'm not sure.
i have her in a 25 gallon long tank, with terra fibre (coconut bark) as the substrate. i also have it humid (the substrate is somewhat wet) and i have a cave for her to hide in, a water bowl, and an elevated section under the lamp.
should i be worried that she has not shed yet? i guess i'm just worried cause i have leopard geckos and they seem to shed about every 2 weeks for me.
thanks for everything
i have her in a 25 gallon long tank, with terra fibre (coconut bark) as the substrate. i also have it humid (the substrate is somewhat wet) and i have a cave for her to hide in, a water bowl, and an elevated section under the lamp.
should i be worried that she has not shed yet? i guess i'm just worried cause i have leopard geckos and they seem to shed about every 2 weeks for me.
thanks for everything