View Full Version : OH what a beautiful morning!!!! A bright Yellow morning!!!!

Markus Jayne
06-30-02, 05:28 AM
It absolutely amazes me how things work out.

Let me start from the beginning. Last year a guy in the US was selling an Albino male and a group of mature hets and possible hets. We couldn't afford the Albino and het females, so I asked if he'd split the group up. To make a long story short we ended up with 2 male hets and 2 female 66% possible het females.

Greg Graziani and I work very close together on projects and I was going to have him take delivery and arrange for shipping. When he picked them up in Florida, he was amazed at the size of one of the females and suggested that I leave them down there on breeding loan and breed them to his Albino male.

It was a win, win situation. Best case scenario...albino's. Worst case...100% hets. How could I loose?

After the breeding season, the bigger of the 2 females laid 8 good eggs of which one went bad, leaving us with 7.

I can't tell you enough how excited I was in anticipation of the eggs hatching.

Well today was the day and the whole deal paid off. Greg and I produced our first Albino's!!! 4 albinos and 3 hets.

Here's the thing. Many people think that we do this for the money. It's not.

We do it for moments like this!


More pics to come!:w :w :w

Brian Petersen
06-30-02, 05:57 AM
Can´t wait to see more pics.

Kind regards


06-30-02, 07:07 AM

06-30-02, 09:10 AM
Congrats!! :thumbsup:

06-30-02, 10:40 AM

06-30-02, 10:52 AM
congrats can we see more pics

Grant vg
06-30-02, 03:18 PM
Way To GO!!!

Looks like ur first year was very successful!!!


Markus Jayne
06-30-02, 04:11 PM
Here's another pic Greg just sent me.


06-30-02, 04:12 PM
i cant c the pic i dont think it worked markus

Markus Jayne
06-30-02, 04:14 PM
Here you go.

06-30-02, 04:40 PM
:bugout: amazing! congragulations :D :bugout:

07-02-02, 07:13 AM
:bugged: :bugout: OH MY GOSH!!!:bugged: :bugout:
there beutiful!! thats amazing!!!! thats got to be a new phase like an albino caramel or something beutiful congrads wow:jawdrop:

07-03-02, 05:57 PM
what a ray of sunshine!:)

jason h
07-08-02, 07:55 PM
man thats geeeeeooooorrrrgggoouuusss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek :

07-08-02, 08:04 PM
WOW!!! very very nice!!!

07-09-02, 12:44 AM
Congratulations!:thumbsup: I just love those Albinos… Cant have enough of them…