View Full Version : here is a fun question everyone can answer...

06-23-03, 09:39 AM
What species are on your WANTED list? :D lol, try and keep it to ones you'd actually plan on getting and so a post doesn't last forever, how about the top ten or so? ;)

My wanted list is as follows;

0.1 patternless leopard gecko
0.1 hypo tangerine leo
0.1 tangerine albino banded leo
fire skink
corn snake (unsure of which morph I prefer)
Musk or mud turtle
1.0 sudan plated lizard
1.0 panther chameleon
crested gecko

lol, leos I will probably get this year, and hopefully a fire skink and plated lizard (assuming I can figure out what type of enclosure I need and WHERE it would go), corn snake, chameleon and crested are lizards I'd like to get in the next few years(chameleon I have to wait till I get a bigger place when i mvoe out of TO so I can have a big enough enclosure), and the turtle i will get whenever a CB happens across my path!!

06-23-03, 09:49 AM
I will be purchasing 2 baby beardeds somewhere in august. Working on their enclosure now. And when they are older (something about a year or so) i wanna buy a veiled chameleon. I think i can squeeze a cage in my room for one of those :D

06-23-03, 09:59 AM
1.0 ambilobe panther chameleon (i can get one for sure)

and the rest i know i cant have ... parent limited me to 1 more

1.0 jackson's chameleon
1.1 parson's chameleon
1.0 nosy be panther chameleon
1.1 pink panther chameleon
1.0 savamba panther chameleon
1.0 ds panther chameleon
1.1 redxpurple bar ambanja chameleon
2.5 pygmy leaf chameleon
2.5 bearded pygmy chameleon
2.3 dwarf panther chameleon
1.0 giant spiny chameleon
1.0 tammative panther chameleon

i think thats about it ... LOL
if only i had parent who love chams as much as i ... and i had a decent income and a lot more space ... working at mcds does not cut it ... thank god for the loan agency ... my dad!!! LOL

06-23-03, 10:36 AM
0.0.1 indigo snake
0.1 cuvier's dwarf caimen
0.0.1 white-lipped python
0.1 borneo short-tailed python
1.1 sunburst veiled chameleons
1.1 crested geckos
0.0.1 panther chameleon (hopefully. I think they're cool)
0.0.1 chondro python
0.0.1 irian jaya carpet python
1.0 scrub python (either southern or barneck locality)
1.0 dwarf reticulated python (super dwarf x jampea cross)
0.0.1 west african gaboon viper
0.0.1 eyelash viper
0.0.1 forest cobra
1.1 false water cobras

That's about all I can think of for right now. It'll take me a long time before I get all those, heh

06-23-03, 10:47 AM
I will get all of these between now and a few years

a few more leos, not quite sure on exactly which morphs carrot-tale, super hypo tang., tremper albino, and some tangarine jungles. i want them all. lol
0.1 nile monitor
hopefully after plenty of research (not for a few years) hopefully a emerald tree boa.
And some more corn snakes.

theres plenty more i want but those are ones i em definatly getting.

Gregg M
06-23-03, 11:04 AM
I think I want to start working with deasert horned vipers.....

06-23-03, 11:25 AM
Red-Tail Boa
Veiled Chameleon
Spur-Thigh Tortise

All of these will be down the road a bit. I'm feeling a little insecure since I can't even get my new bp to eat.


06-23-03, 11:53 AM
Spur-Thigh Tortise mabey a breeding pair, or red foot pair

And a breeeding pair of every Cham species ond colour morphs

lol and one day this will hapen lol

06-23-03, 12:03 PM
There are two species I'm after right now:

1) Western Hognose

2) Hogg Island Boa

06-23-03, 12:11 PM
1) leos, preferably tangerine, carrot tail or striped
2) red eyed tree frog
3) poison dart frog, not sure which kind, haven't done enough research on them yet

06-23-03, 12:15 PM
Vietnamese Rain Frogs.
Croc Monitors.
Albino Malayan Horned Frogs ( if exist ;) )
Nice Copperheads.
Wangler Viper :D

06-23-03, 12:29 PM
within the next two years i want to get:

1.0 pacman frog
0.1 pacman frog
0.1 albino cali. king
1.0 poison arrow frog
0.1 poison arrow frog
1.0 veiled chameleon
1.0 eastern hognose

i guess that's it for the moment

06-23-03, 12:34 PM
Im planning on getting a male Temper Tangerine Banded Albino VERY soon. And maybe in a year or so i want to get a female Frilled Dragon:D:D
I cant Wait!!

06-23-03, 01:03 PM
My wanted list :D

- scrub python (soooo cute)
- more bps
- different corn morphs
- red tailed boa
- hogg island boa
- jungle carpet python
- irian jaya carpet python
- some reptile that isn't a snake
and finaly - a green tree python! :D

06-23-03, 01:05 PM
and a hognose (not sure which)

06-23-03, 01:33 PM
I want-
rainbow boa
gulf coast box turtle
some type of tortoise
another blue tongued skink

06-23-03, 01:57 PM
one that i might be geting in 1-2 years
1.0 bp
these are a long way of a few years after i move out of my mum's
1.0 croc monitor
1.0 nile monitor
0.1 jcp
1.1 black throat monitor
0.1 apricot pueblan milk snake
0.1 green iguana
0.1 corn snake (amel)
1.0 coumbian rainbow boa
1.0 blue tongue skink
i will have the room for the reptile as me and a m8 are buying a place and we both luv reptiles

06-23-03, 01:59 PM
hmm... most wanted, huh?
Well, here goes:

?1+.1 Phyrnosoma platyrinos
?1+.1 Eublepharis macularis (I prefer hi-yellow/jungle morphs)
0.1 Gerrhosaurus nigrolineatus
?1+.1 Sphaerodactylus macrolepis (great morphs project-anyone with me?)

mm... think that's about it for now. Heh, I'd like to get another blizzard lizard like Darwin, but not right away. I pretty much buy what pleases me. =)

06-23-03, 02:09 PM
my list goes as follows:

-1.1 Blackheaded Pythons
-1.1 Diamond Pythons
-1.1 Pueblan Milksnakes
-0.0.1 Mexican Black Kingsnake
-1.1 Albino Boa's
-1.1 Australian Water Dragons
-1.1 Albino Sonoran Gopher Snakes
-1.1 Brazillian Rainbow Boa's
-0.0.1 Dumerils Monitor
-0.0.1 Nile Monitor

06-23-03, 02:17 PM
getting theese within a couple months
1.1 chineese water dragons

then theese hopefully in a couple years
1.1 corn snakes
1.1 milk snakes

06-23-03, 02:27 PM
1.1 western Hognose
0.1 Eastern Hognose
1.1 Irian Jaya
1.0 Sumatran Blood
2.2 Croc Skinks
Thats all I can think of at the moment.

06-23-03, 03:29 PM
To finish pairing off most of my collection I need:
1.0 Colombian BCI
1.0 Hog Isle Boa

What I plan on getting in the next 10 years as space, money, time, and availability permits:
2.2 Clouded Boas
1.2 Bolivian Boas
0.0.1 GTP (Jayapura or Biak)
1.1 Tannimbar Scrubs
1.1 Super Dwarf Retics
1.1 Diamond Pythons
0.0.1 PeachThroat monitor
1.3 Uromastyx (Mali or Nigerian)
0.0.1 Box Turtle

This doesn't include all the animals I wish I could have, or any of the dream animals... of course if I stumble across those opportunities I'm gonna snatch em up ;)

06-23-03, 03:50 PM
I have just finished my 2 year quest and got the
Jaguar carpet python a few days ago.

So I'm quite content.


06-23-03, 04:31 PM
planning to have by fall :
0.1 normal corn
0.1 normal striped corn
0.1 hypo or snow corn (can't decide)
1.0 sunglow corn
1.0 western hognose (if available)
0.0.1 legless lizard

hope to get over the winter :
0.1 western hognose (to make a pair)
0.0.3 land hermit crabs
1.1 emperor scorpions
0.0.3 green anoles

in the next few years :
0.0.1 eastern box turtle
0.0.1 painted turtle
0.0.1 boa constricter
0.0.1 python
0.0.1 chameleon
0.0.3 fire belly newts
0.0.2 fire belly toads

and will continue to collect more corn morphs !

06-23-03, 04:49 PM
1.0 colombian red-tailed boa,
1.1 red-tailed green rats,
1.1 cave dwelling rats,
0.1 emerald tree boa

06-23-03, 05:01 PM
I want this:

1.1 echis carinatus (saw-scaled viper)
0.1 vipera ammodytes (long-nosed viper)


red bootz
06-23-03, 05:08 PM
Lonely female box turtle seeking a mature, confident, gentlemen box turtle with three toes on each hind leg.

Two young red foot tortoises seeking another "freind" to party it up with. The redder the berry the sweeter the juice.


06-23-03, 05:39 PM
This is pretty much everything I want:

0.1 albino boa
0.3 100% het albino boas
1.0 salmon boa
1.1 Dumerils boas
1.1 ETB
1.1 Hogg Island Boas
1.1 Blood Boas
1.1 Suris
1.1 Guyans
1.1 Striped boas
1.2 Red ackies
1.2 Yellow ackies
0.0.1 Cherry head redfoot tortoise\
and I would love to have a pair or at least 1 blue tree monitor but I dono if I will ever get that

theres a few more but these are most important

06-23-03, 07:42 PM
Lets see... I'll just name species and we'll assume they're 1.1 pairs or better unless otherwise specified.

sandfish skink (Scincus scincus)
all the candoia except asper (already have asper)
mandarin rat snakes (Elaphe mandarina)
Chinese Beauty Snakes (Elaphe taeniura)
False habu (Macropisthodon rudis)
Crested Geckos
Western Hognose (I'd like eastern too but those are restricted in ontario)
Hogg Island Boas
Scrub Pythons
Sumatran Black Blood Pythons
0.1 Sumatran Red Blood Python
Surinam BCC
1.0 Guyan BCC
IJ carpet pythons
Jungle carpet pythons
1.0 Specked king
0.1 Prairie King
Lots and lots of corn morphs, lavender, snow, amel, anery, motley. sunglow.
0.1 frosted cremesicle.
brazilian rainbow boas (actually i want peruvian but they're not likely to be in my price range anytime soon)
Black Mexican kings

Stuff I'd like but I'm not ready for right now.
Yangtze Habu (Agkistrodon blomhoffi)
Sulcutta Tortoise (I don't think we'll ever have the room for one of these, never mind a breeding pair).
Galapogas Tortoise (Same as the Sulcutta and then there's the CITES restrictions)
Eastern Massassauga Rattler (I don't think i'll ever have these due to keeping restrictions within ontario)

There's more but they slip my mind right now

06-23-03, 07:56 PM
this is what I want


otherwize I kinda want one or 2 sand boas, maybe a nice tourtis.
Who know's what the future holds for me and pets.

06-24-03, 11:56 AM
mardy has what i really want, a jaguar carpet python.
other than that, i want a pair of bolivian silver backs and
a pair of albino ball pythons.

06-24-03, 03:50 PM
In the near future I plan on getting a female leopard gecko to breed with my male I have now. Also looking into venomous species of snakes in Georgia to add to my collection. Not sure on what to start off with though.