View Full Version : incubator suprize!!

06-23-03, 06:55 AM
This little one hatched thismorning....and I have never seen one quite like it! It hatched from my Double Het Patternless Albino group. The group is from my own DH's that I produced last year. It is obviously an Albino ...but WOW! It's skin is transparent and its eyes are SO RED!!! I tried really hard to get a picture of its eyes but it wont stand still...lol Once it settles in I will try for better pictures.


06-23-03, 07:36 AM
Very cool looking! Congrats.

06-23-03, 08:45 AM
What a nice looking little albino! :D Congrats guys... it'll be neat to see what that one turns out like...

Just out of curiosity -- temp sexed female, or male? ;)

06-23-03, 09:02 AM
Awesome Tarzet, Way To Go:D

Colonel SB
06-23-03, 09:10 AM
Holy **** that is amazing :eek:

06-23-03, 09:16 AM
wow! nice!!!!

06-23-03, 09:31 AM
Thanks everyone :) It sure made my day! Last week, out of the same group I got a really bright yellow striped Patternless....I thought it was a Patternless Albino when I first opend the incubator! Sure did get my heart pounding!! lol. Hopefully one of those will hatch soon!
Breeding Double Hets sure can be interesting.

It was temp incubated male.

06-23-03, 10:11 AM
Nice looking you can go ahead and send him or her on over. You need my address?

06-23-03, 12:15 PM
really cool looking leo, congrad teresa :D

06-23-03, 05:52 PM
Nice looking leo, if you incubated it for male at a temp of 88 or higher that is why he has turned out so pink with more red eyes.

Incubation temps play a significant role in melanin synthesis in the Tremper strain.

Also if they are kept too cool after hatching they will turn darker as well.

Genes from mom and dad do play a role in how dark they are but a majority of it comes from incubation temps.

I have played around with this a bit this year and I will post pics of some of my jungle albino Tremper's which come from the same parents and were clutch mates but were incubated at different temps. One was incuabted at 82 the other at 90 I think you will see what a huge difference it does make.

I have done the same with the Rainwater strain and incubation temp seems to play less of a role in the amount of dark coloration. Rainwaters incubated at 82 do not look much different from the ones incubated at 90.

I will post the pics later on tonight.
