View Full Version : Please help ASAP!!!

06-23-03, 05:17 AM
My rescue cali king has been pukeing up clearish/white stuff for about 5 days-a week now. She came very skinny and i de-wormed her for the first week that i had her. And i figured that this clear/white stuff was just waird poo from the de-wormer i was giving her. But tonight i saw her throwing it up everywhere.

Recently we had E.colie in our water. As soon as i knew about this i changed all the snakes water to bottled. But could that have anything to do with it? Please help me as soon as you can. I really love this snake and i dont want to lose her. :*(

I have never heard of anything like this before.

06-23-03, 05:40 AM
I suggest that you bring him to the vet. Although often it's not the best idea to trust some vets, sometimes they are the only smart decision. They may keep him there for a night or two but I say, it will probably be worth it. Sorry that I can't give you any other advice but I have never heard of anything like that before. Good luck with him! I would suggest that you keep him in a rubbermaid container right now with a papertowel substrate and clean the substrate whenever he vomits. Also keep on feeding him. he might just keep on vomiting the mouse/rat back up but if he doesn't have food to vomit up, then he will vomit stomach acid which is what the white liquid probably is. And after he is out of stomach acid to vomit, he can start to vomit his liver and insides so...keep on feeding him! He needs to have food which he can puke up!

Tim and Julie B
06-23-03, 07:02 AM
Resperatory infection. This happened to a rescue that was kept to damp and cold. Get it to a vet right away. as it gets wourse the cances of it getting better are dropping. Vet check quick!

Colonel SB
06-23-03, 09:04 AM
Sounds like RI to me.

06-23-03, 01:27 PM
Follow the R.I. advice & consider the Vet right away. Ignore the other advice as it is an uneducated guess & not a very good one. The fluid it is"coughing up" is most likely flem etc. & is in all probiltiy comimg from the lung area not the stomach. I don't think there is any risk of the snake puking its insides out LOL! Make sure the snake is kept dry & really warm & a trip to the Vet for some antibiotics is in order. Mark I.
P.S. If you don't have a clue, leave it to those that do! :confused: This in reguards to the keep feeding it even if it keeps puking up all its meals, as it needs food to puke up or its insides may come out. LOL!!!

06-23-03, 11:14 PM
Well thank you for your advice,everyone. But i really dont have any idea on what to do. There is no vets in this area that will take reptiles, and even if they did...they would have no idea what they where doing. I have never lost a snake yet. And i dont want to. Not yet. So anyone...please help me.

06-23-03, 11:36 PM
I'm not a snake owner, but it would appear to me that your options are extremely limited.
People are telling you it's likely a respiratory infection, it's not likely you will be able to cure it by simply asking for advice on here.
Your snake will need some sort of medical intervention.
Perhaps you could contact, by phone, a herp vet, request a telephone consult, and they could tell YOUR closest vet what needs to be prescribed and how much.
If it is a respiratory infection your only other option is to watch your snake become more and more unwell.

Jungle Jen
06-23-03, 11:43 PM
I agree with Icequeen, your snake needs medical intervention. As others have advised, it does sound like a RI, and keeping the snake nice and dry and warm is a good start. However, you must find medical helps somewhere. Call all the vets in your area, they must have some sort of book listing the different veterinarians and what kind of animals they practice on, at least we do here in BC. If a vet is willing to even TRY diagnostics, see if they can take an x-ray to check the lung. Reptile lungs and cat/dog lungs show up the same on x-ray, and an experienced vet should be able to read the x-ray correctly. Sending you best wishes.

06-24-03, 10:51 AM
Here is a list of Vets in Oregon...


Get this snake to a vet immediately!

If you are not going to do it, just put the snake out of its misery by placing it in the freezer!

06-24-03, 11:05 AM
Finding a vet who can care for your animals is something you should probably do BEFORE you buy the animal. Nonetheless, if you don't know what is happening to your snake, it is always best to assume that it can kill your snake. Let the pros get him well again. Good luck.

06-24-03, 11:08 AM
The snake is not throwing up, it is trying to clear it's lungs of mucous so it doesn't drown to death in it's own phlegm. At this point, it may even be too late for antibiotics, but nevertheless, it needs to see a vet NOW! If you cannot afford a vet, please don't take in any more rescues. Most rescues are not healthy, and alot of them need veterinary care. Before taking rescues, the best thing to do is contact a herp vet and make him or her aware that your may be taking some rescues. Most will give good discounts for rescued animals, and some even charge NOTHING. I take in rescues and many have needed medical treatment that I cannot provide, because I have no authority to write prescriptions. There are herp vets in just about any area, even if there may be an hour drive or so to get there. you just have to find one. Any vet can give you a referral to a herp vet. This snake needs to be seen immediately, even if it's just so the vet can put it down humanely. Until you get it to a vet, raise the temps in the clage to 90 degrees ALL OVER the cage, with no cool spots. Remove water, only place a very small bowl of water in with the snake, just enough for drinking. Do not handle the snake, do not feed the snake, and get it to a vet.

06-24-03, 11:20 AM

Hey SerpentEye Read this post!!!!!!!

This is why I get so loud and start ranting. This person went and rescued a snake he knew nothing about, didn't have a vet lined up, and now refuses to take it to any vet to try to get it some help.

This just proves the point made in the link I posted above. This snake could have most likely been saved had it gone to a REAL rescue and not just someone who wanted a "FREE" animal!

Tim and Julie B
06-24-03, 11:32 AM
Ok everyone made valid points but lets try to keep this thread about the poor snake and less about teaching a lesson. I am not saying you are wrong but who knows the situation? Only serpenteye. So lets just try and help.

06-24-03, 01:19 PM
I'll again say what someones already stated without all the lectures: Keep the entire enclosure at 90 f & keep it dry. Use a small water bowl only for drinking purposes. You do not want the snake to soak or any extra humidity. Warm & dry is extremely important. Find a Vet or release the animal to someone that will. Mark I.

06-25-03, 09:51 PM
First of all i want to say thank you again for everyones comments and help.

Now,... was told that this "rescue" animal was healthy when i agreed to take her, besides being a little thin. She came from a batch of snakes that where going to be fed to cobras. I knew well before hand that this snake would be most likely sick, and i was willing to take her. But i was also told that she was in good health before i received her. And was not taking her in because i wanted a free animal.

Anyone who knows of the drug Tylan to treat RI's in Colubrids, please get a hold of me. Otherwise. DO NOT post anything else.
I know of many people that use it for there larger snakes to treat RI's, but i need to know just how much to give to a smaller snake.

I did not post my message her to be yelled at for not knowing how to take care of my animals. I only want expert advice from people who know what they are talking about. Nothing else.

06-25-03, 10:06 PM
I totally agree with you serpenteye certain members of this site often turn off subtject to cyber yell at members seeking advice. I do not think anyone had a right to "yell" at him for asking a question. Sorry for posting after you siad not to? Hope you find the cure for you snake and it gets back to norm in no time!!!

06-25-03, 10:25 PM
If I'm not mistaken, the moderators of the site are the only ones that can tell anyone to "not post anymore" and they do that by closing the thread.
Fortunately, or unfortunately, the responses you received go along with the "risk" you take by posting in a public forum.

You asked for peoples advice, and they gave it.

I know the post that I made in regards to your question was not to "yell" at you. It was to offer a suggestion!
If you'd like to know about tylan, and what the correct dosage is, I still stand by my original post....arrange for your local NON herp vet, to do a telephone consult with the closet herp vet.

If you do that, you'll get the information you're seeking, and your snake will benefit from the correct care. Rather than people on here guessing at what the dosage should be, when no one here can SEE the condition of the snake, or the size and weight of the snake. That's playing with fire, asking people to tell you the dosage without an actual physical exam.

I'm not exactly sure why you would find that suggestion so offensive.
To me, it's perfectly logical, and sensible AND most importantly, in the best interest of the animal.

06-26-03, 01:11 AM
are you adminstering it orally or sub-q? if you need help calculating the dosage contact me. recomended dosage is 25mg/kg once a day for seven days. keep the snake at 85-90 degrees and low humidity, if the snake will eat feed it a small meal, if theres no regurgitation feed another small meal in 3-4 days. good luck.

06-26-03, 03:46 AM
She'll be getting it sub-q. And i actually know the dosage ect now. Thanks everyone once again :D I'll let you know how everything goes.

07-21-03, 12:11 AM
i dont know what to do . i am very sorry . but i am just not quite the expert .i hopethat every thing works out . you have my best wishes.
kyle (a.k.a. snkmn)