View Full Version : Some pics of the Collection

Colonel SB
06-22-03, 07:47 PM
I got a new camera this weekend so I had to test it out, and what better way then to take some cool T pics.

Lasiodorides striatus

Nhandu coloratovillosus

Haplopelma lividum

Pterinochilus murinus

06-22-03, 07:54 PM
Dang, that usumbara look T'd off!!!! Don't mess with him!!!! :grab:

06-22-03, 10:00 PM
That last one reminds me of my old Texas Brown. She would go CRAZY when she saw me! Then when I came near she would are her fangs and swipe at me.

06-23-03, 12:27 PM
Nice pics!! I gotta get out and buy myself a digi cam one of these decades too.

That Lividium sure is a fatty! Is she preggers?

Colonel SB
06-23-03, 02:15 PM
Nope, its a WC subadult I just got in to diversify the gene pool :D

Kyle Barker
06-25-03, 02:12 AM
Nice pics. Why do i get the feeling that every usumbara pic you post will be of a pissed off one :D

Colonel SB
06-25-03, 07:07 AM
lol I generally don't like to stress them but a cool pic is a cool pics :P I have to dig up my Herculese one day and take some pics. It is a true herc too not a H.gigas or a cross.