View Full Version : breeding Brazilian Rainbows

06-22-03, 03:12 PM
I'm about to get a pair of brb's and was wondering what sort of temperature drops you use in the winter to stimulate breeding in the spring. I've bred colubrids with and without temp changes (just light cycle). I've kept both Brazilian and Columbian Rainbows in the past, just never had a pair to breed.

06-22-03, 04:40 PM
Starting Dec. 1st (depending on where in the world you live) cool them down at night (10-14 hours) to about 70F with lower humidity. Keep that up until Feb. 1st, when you'll warm them up to regular temps and resume feeding. They breed before, during, and after the cooling period. The actually breed like flies. You'd have shoot them to stop them from breeding.

06-22-03, 05:27 PM
I'm in the U.S. so same hemisphere for seasons...
Do you cool your pairs together or introduce them during the cooling period? BTW, seeing some of the pics of your snakes is what inspired me to give BRB a try again!

06-22-03, 06:04 PM
All snakes are kept seperate except for combatting males and when breeding is to take place. They breed for a few days, then they stop. Remove the male, and try again in a few days. Plus the female eat during the cooling and during the breeding season. By removing the male, you have a PERFECT opportunity to feed the females! It works great, trust me!!

Thanks for the nice comments. Good luck breeding. I know you'll be successful. You're already well on your way, and as you say, you have experience with this species already!!

Cheers. :D

http://members.shaw.ca/galleryb/snakes_banner_final.jpg (http://www.jefffavelle.com)