View Full Version : Does your BP take dead rats off your fingers?

Solid Snake
06-20-03, 11:05 PM
Mine doesn't ever seem interested in mice when i put the food in front of his face, he just sits there. i was wondering does your snake take food off of your fingers/tongs or do u leave it over night?

I have to leave it in his cage over night with a paper towel underneath so he doesn't swollow subtrate. I really do want to see him eat it, i've never witnessed it yet, i've had him for 2 months now and hes ate 9 times, wish hed eat without being so nervous. His Enclosure is perfect... i dont see whats wrong maybe hes just a scared?

06-21-03, 12:18 PM
If he is eating don't change a thing.

06-22-03, 12:38 PM
With a royal just be glad he is eating. They can be fussy at the best of times. My royal eats like a pig but it has to be perfectly dark, she will not eat with me watching and she will not eat until after about 8:00 at night, any earlier and she will not eat. Plus she will not eat anything white, her prey has to be brown.

06-22-03, 12:51 PM
When I first got my BP he would eat with me watching -- then he wouldn't, so I had to leave the prey (I feed F/T) in there overnight and he would eat it... then he stopped eating at all for a few months... then he ate a few times.... then he stopped again... OIE! LOL :)

Basically, if he's eating, be happy ;) If you really want to watch you could try spying on him at night... use a red light, it's my understanding that reptiles can't see the light emitted off of these bulbs, so hopefully he won't even know that you're there....

06-22-03, 01:57 PM
I use tongs to try to make the mouse seem as alive as possible, but i can't put it too close to him or he will back away and hide!

Solid Snake
06-22-03, 10:21 PM
for some reason my BP can still see me when i try to approach and watch(at night with lightes off), he just sits still and looks up at me, or just backs in his hide. I guess they can still see with the red light...

06-24-03, 05:57 PM
I've fed mine twice since i got it a few weeks ago, I just wiggle it in front of his face and wait for him to take it, which he has both times... Mine has no problem with anyone watching

06-24-03, 07:27 PM
They do not need light to see you, they will track your heat with their heat pitts.