View Full Version : Cage Size

06-19-03, 11:00 PM
Does anyone know what is a better dimension for the floor space for a full grown male burmese python?

1- 10feet x 2feet

2- 5feet x 4feet

I am doubling my cage size by building another one and attaching it to this one, which is 5feet x 2feet. Please leave me info on which demensions is better. Thanx!


Colonel SB
06-20-03, 06:31 AM
You should be able too keep them in the largest size of neo-cages...They are taking orders again yay!

06-20-03, 09:04 AM
Give it more ground space to stretch out. Burmese get heavy bodied and dont really need to climb so i wound go with the length in stead of hieght. how deep is the cage ? 10' l x 2' h x ?' d
take care nick

06-20-03, 11:51 AM
no i'm talking about FLOOR space

length 10feet
depth 2feet
the hieght of the cage is already 4feet

06-20-03, 01:16 PM
The floorspace is most importent if you build cage because burmese are not the most active snakes they need more floorspace climbing is not their most pleasure wast of time. its also better to have a cage thats cleans fast and easy.

06-21-03, 11:15 AM
i keep my burm in a 8 long 4 wide and 3 high there is no reson to make it over 4 feet tall because they dont climb and if they do and fall they can hurt themselfs so it is still not a good idea

06-21-03, 02:07 PM
I understand how you are going to do this. 20 square feet is 20 square feet. It won't make any difference to the snake. The only things you might have to consider are:
1) which way would be easier for you to heat.
2) Is a 10x2 cage going to allow your burm room turn around when it is 15' long? I think when your critter gets big, 2' deep won't be enough.

Now that I am done thinking aloud, I say go for the 5x4 floorplan. Aesthetically speaking, I think it would be better, too.