View Full Version : geting a cp this sat
06-18-03, 03:05 PM
well i might be geting my cp this sat the guy on the phone sed its a comon and i asked a few peeps and thay sed its a Coastal ive allready got his/her tank ready and i just whant to know what do u think boy or girl??
This breeder really doesn't sound like he knows what he is doing. "Coastals" aren't called "Commons" very often. You'd be best off to find a better breeder, that was you're assured a quality animal.
06-18-03, 05:11 PM
well i went there and it seem's like a good breeder but that was b4 thay had the cp plus the guy who was on the phone sounded like a guy who works at the till u know, knows not thay mutch about the snake's there site is thay might of sed coastals but the conectshon wasnt that good plus i had slipknot blasting out of my sterio
The url doesn't work. Well, make sure you look over the snake and his care and facilities carefully before buying. Try and get him to feed it while you're there, and check the water dish and snake for mites. The last thing you want is to get a thin, mite-and-parasite infected, fasting snake.
06-18-03, 05:44 PM
i allways do that wen looking to buy a animal o and ime geting a girl (the guy sed he had 3 so he might have a girl
o and the url is sorry
06-18-03, 06:03 PM
I would not base your decision based on Zoe's comment refering to it as a "common". Bad advice Zoe! For starters you have a Canadians opinion of what could very possibly be a "common" British term for the Coastal. She has absolutely zero basis to question the breeders integrity based on a "slang term". What he calls what is his business it doesn't nessicarily reflect the quality of the animal or the conditions in which its kept. This is just another good reason to use Latin names when dealing with people overseas etc. & pics always help. I call most Corn snakes "commons" that a lot of people would call Okeetee, Talahasse, Miami, whatever, I just use the term "common" because its easy & they are common to me. Does this mean that I too don't seem to know what I'm doing in reguards to breeding & that I keep poor quality animals? I hardly think so & anyone that has ever dealt with me can confim it. So base your decision on fact rather than someone elses "poor opinion". My opinion Mark I.
06-18-03, 06:08 PM
thx but i thin it is a coastal but ime hoping its a jungle so ime w8ing intil i get her to start work on her adualt tank can u plz help me with a Q tho its in genral enclosher its called "heat lamp Q" thank u
gonesnakee - i don't think my opinion is poor. I wouldn't be too eager to buy from a person who calls a jungle carpet a forest carpet, or a yellow-banded-phase carpet. If they don't know what the snake is called, what's to say they know how to care for it? Coastal is the accepted SSP name, and as she said other people thought it was a coastal too, so I don't think in england they call them "commons". And anyway, coastals aren't that more commonly found in captivity. I know more people with Jungles and IJs than people with coastals, so what would justify calling them commons?
As stated, she should go take a look first. Had she posted the url first, I'd probably have felt differently. But for all I know she contacted some low-life who gets in hundreds of snakes a week and doesn't know what half of them are, but sell them anyway. Would you buy from a person like that? Exactly why she needs to go take a look first. That might seem like common sense, but it isn't for everyone.
As for your example, corn snake COLOUR MORPHS are not the same as carpet python SUBSPECIES. It's like if I called Nosy Be Panther Chams (as opposed to ambanjas) commons, but there is nothing to make Nosy Bes more commons that Ambanjas.
If you called black rats "commons", who would know what you were talking about?
Not everyone out there is a good, reputable breeder. If you assume the best in everyone (especially someone who doesn't know the common name of the snake they are dealing with) you can easily end up with a sick snake. I didn't say it for sure, but it's a possibility that needs to be considered, which is why its good to have a couple breeders in mind.
And see? She doesn't even know if its a jungle or not. The fact that he doesn't know the proper common name of the snake (lets face it, when it comes to Coastals and Jungles, there aren't any other common names) affects her, in that she doesn't know what size to make the cage, humidity, heat, etc. She doesn't know what price range she's looking at, etc.
06-18-03, 09:22 PM
I'm not saying all your advice is bad Zoe but you made a totally negative assumption right off the bat IMO & told him to ditch the breeder for no other reason than terminology. Futhermore you again are talking from your CDN point of view & are assuming that the same applies worldwide. Snake Goth even stated that he/she wasn't even sure what was said & you assume the worst & tell them to look elsewhere, assuming it must be a poor source. Everything I've stated refers to your first post . As for your other advice its good but thats not what I was commenting about. I for one as a breeder would not like to lose out on business based on an opinion of someone who knows nothing about me or really what was discussed & futhermore from another continent. I stand by my opinion & I am done. Sorry to have upset you, its nothing personal or anything, just opinion LOL! Mark I.
P.S. Snake Goth make sure you research the animal & breeder properly before commiting once you find out for sure whats up.
Well this is interesting!!
I would have to blame our English friend for this argument, the info was a little sketchy from the start and yes they do use different names to most of usbut hey they drive the same cars as us and call them different names as well.
The term "Common Coastal Carpet snake" is used quite a bit here in Australia as well. I have at least 20 "what I would call " common coastals, meaning just normal old carpet snakes, no fancy colours, no lateral stripes, just "common" old carpet snakes.
Dont get me wrong here I love them all and I can see both sides of the argument but I would hate to think that someone would not buy a snake from me on the grounds that I called it something they didnt like! But in Zoe's defence I could also give the prospective buyer every bit of info they needed as to what were the breeding lines and where the snake originated from, but to most new snake owners this is not important, they have made the decision to buy a snake as a pet and if the old bug bites then they can research the history of the new snake and take it from there.
As I said the info was "grey" for want of a better term and both sides being Zoe and gonesnakee have valid points but the term "common" is used here in Ozz all the time and believe me Zoe they are common here, I have a running battle with the lil wild buggers over our rat room every night.
Well thats all I have to say on it and snake_goth I wish you well with your new buddy "what ever it is" and hope it all goes well.
p.s. Take Zoe's advice re the viewing of the snake feeding and the check for mites as this is just common practice and the retailer should have no problem with it. If he does then come back and ask these people for some advice and make sure you have ALL the facts about your snake to share with them so they may help.
Ahhh but common coastal is still different... It's like me calling my Irian Jayas "Common Carpets" because they arent, I dunno, banded or albino :P
Mark - yes I agree, my first post was a little void of anything positive. I guess I'm just a stickler for professionalism. I'd never tell a first-time carpet owner that he was getting an "Irian" or "IJCP", I'd tell them the real common name and latin name bla bla bla. I thank the lord (lol) that Morelia Spilota SSPs are really easy to pronounce!
06-19-03, 04:34 AM
Gonesnakee, us canadians may have different ways to say things but it doesn't mean that our poinion is <i>wrong</i>. Here in canada, Python Regius is called a Ball Python but I believe that in Englang, they are called Royal Pythons. Same latin name, different common name. Just because they are different, it doesn't mean that we are <i>wrong</i>. But also next time you should rephrase what you say because from reading your message to Zoe, <i>you</i> were the one who was sounding rude. You could of easily said the same thing using different wording without it sounding rude. If everyone has to agree with <i>your</i> opinion, then what's the point of even having one? Maybe Zoe's information was wrong but at least she did the research to answer snake_goth's question. So what if her research might of been wrong? Everyone makes mistakes. Would you like it if everytime you ade a mistake, people jumped on your back and picked on you? I don't think so! You wouldn't be able to learn that way. If I had to agree with someone's info, it would be Zoe's. Just try to use better wording next time you type out a message directly to someone for it may hurt their feelings.
06-19-03, 04:44 AM
i have 1 thing to say ime a GUY!!!!!!!! allso i have done my reserch on the breeder and as i sed ive been there, ive sorry to start a argument, i will do but i have a thing about leaving runts of the liter behind wen i was breeding rats (and seling them) i allways kept the runts of the liter and thay lived long and good lives. i might get the one thats isnt the runt but isnt the best. but i wont get him to feed it due to it might throw up the food on the trip to my home. but i will realy look at his her health.
and just becos thay say common dusnt mean thay dont know anny thing about keeping cp's, u say tamato i say tomato.
ps.ime geting a girl (if thay have 1)and calling her fluffy
Now then, I didn't say the breeder didn't know what they were doing, I said it sounded like it. I didn't have much information to base this on, and someone telling a first time carpet owner that he has "commons" for sale is missing something, be it salesmanship or knowledge of the subspecies. It's also the buyer's duty to ask questions, but the seller should have answered as many as possible first.
Emily - yes, but Royal Python is also recognized here. When's the last time you heard a coastal being referred to as a common?
If everyone has to agree with your opinion, then what's the point of even having one?
Now when did I say that? It's not as though I said "That guy is a moron, buy from someone else or you'll get a sick snake."
Lets all get a little less sensitive, OK? Mark's point was entirely valid and I do agree with him, my first post could have had more info in it. But I wouldn't go so far to say as it was incredibly rude, offensive and conceited.
Snake_Goth - hehe, sorry! It's hard to tell online if you don't sign your name or something, and weren't going to call you an "It" :)
How far is the ride home? If it isn't that long (1/2-1 hr) and bumpy you shouldn't have a problem with the snake throwing up if it is healthy, just request the meal be small and it should be fine.
06-19-03, 04:59 AM
if he has a sick snake i wont buy (but i will feel bad for months leaving that poor snake in a bad shape) but i will have to go up to newcastle to a PET SHOP! and spend £15 more to get one from a PET SHOP so ime going to proberly get one from the guy ime going to this sat. (the pet shop souds like one that isnt that good the one in newcaste that is)
Zoe I just told you an hour ago that we call coastals common.
Emily - yes, but Royal Python is also recognized here. When's the last time you heard a coastal being referred to as a common?
I hear that every day Zoe, at home, in the pet shops, in the papers under sales, everyware.
Common coastal carpet snakes are just that, common as dirt!!
They live on the coastal strip and they are common, what more can I say! I can show you one from Cape tribulation and one from Byrion Bay 3000 miles away and you will not know the difference, they are ALL the same. They only change when you talk about different species like bredli's, diamonds, jungles blah blah!
Pick any web page you like about Australian carpets and you should see the term "common coastal" used.
I would not presume to tell a person from a place like Canada about bears or wolves or elk or moose, and yet people from another country tell me what I should call my own native reptiles.
I got my first common coastal over 20 years ago,I now have over 40 carpet snakes, of witch at least 30+ would be common and I love them all. It is not a derogatory term, it is not said with any bias, they are common.
06-19-03, 09:06 AM
thx, i just have Q how active are coastals ive heard there kind of active allso wen there adult do there bites hurt bad i know thay have needle sharp teeth but dus it hurt to get bit??
MudBoy - but we're not in australia! You can call them whatever you want (as is you're calling them common coastals, not just plain commons). Coastals arent common as dirt here. And really, don't take it so personally! I wouldn't mind too much if you started calling black bears, common bears. ;)
Oh, I did a search for "common carpet python" (because for all I know coastals are easily recognized as commons even though i've never heard it before) and came up with one reference to jungles and two to coastals, one to Variegata, and about 5 refering to carpet python in general.
Not the clearest of results.
06-19-03, 10:53 AM
Yes Zoe, but snakegoth is in England, which means they could call coastal carpets different names over there, like they do in Australia, so I don't think it's right to tell some one to ditch a breeder because they use a different name for some snakes than you do, especially since that breeder is in England. Also How do you know that coastal carpets aren't extremely popular in England, I'm not saying they are, but they could be, hence the name "Common Carpet Python".
Okay I also did a search in, and came up these results:
One referance to Variegata, one for carpets in general.
I got a truck load of Coastal Carpet Python results, though.
Had these searches yielded different results, I'd gladly have accepted being eroneous. But I daresay they go to show that coastals aren't really known as commons, at least not in the UK. and Canada. I have yet to research an aussie search engine though :P
06-19-03, 11:39 AM
Holy Cow did the pot get stirred up here, heh heh. Glad to hear that you weren't offended Zoe (sounds like others were, oh well!). Oh & sorry I took offence from the breeder point of view. I totally agree with you that some people here are too sensitive & take things too personally. Also I agree that my Corn snake morph thing wasn't a very good example. I do agree though that if I was to call a carpet "common" I would refer to a coastal or maybe a jungle, because they are the most common ones to me. Whereas the fancies would be the IJs, Centrailians, Diamonds etc. Something that should be pointed out is though is that sometimes the "dealers" don't have the best info & in the case of certain specimens Jungles & Coastals are confused with one another or have been crossbred together (such as my big girl or Mary V's boy). These animals are often misrepresented as one or the other. My girl could pass for a "dirty" jungle. Not that big of a deal for just a pet, but a big deal if you want pure blood for breeding purposes. I have seen posts here on ssnakess before asking if people thought the snake they pictured was Jungle or Coastal. A reputable breeder is always recomended for reasons such as this. Oh & just so everyone knows "We do not argue, We debate!" & its good to see some different perspectives other than our own. OK now I'm done (for now, lol) Mark I. >(
P.S. Remember people sometimes we have to "Agree to disagree". lol M.I.
I've heard alot of people calling coastals just simply "carpet python"... as in a common carpet python. most of the time i've seen this is from aussies.
06-19-03, 01:52 PM
well in one of my bookes it has "carpet python" with a pic of a jungle (pritty nice 1) i will try to get a pic of him as soon as poss
ps. ive decided to get a boy due to males usually growing smaller than females.
Mark - yeah for sure. I hate seeing debates escalate into fights just because things are taken the wrong way. I love to debate, so I've learned not to get offended by other people's opinion - it's a lot more enjoyable that way! (For both parties :P)
And I'm glad you are no longer taking offense to that breeder thing... of course I meant no offence to anyone on this site, I was (at the time) considering this guy to me a dealer of snakes, as opposed to a breeder.
06-19-03, 04:49 PM
No worries Zoe. I'm bad anyways. Sometimes I post opinions that I may or may not even nessicarily support just to see how people react. I like to stir the pot & see how the stew turns out. You know see where peoples heads are at & which ones can take it & dish it out. Devils advocate can be very entertaining & informative. Peace Mark I.
Hi Mark and Zoe.
No fight from here, like you I was just making a point.
As far as I am concerned you both had good points and good advice for snake_goth.
As for the term "common" you wont get a lot of feed back from aussies about it because most dont care or wouldnt know how to respond.
Im in 4 different herp clubs and know hundreds of collectors and out of all of them I would say only 5 or 8 of them are on line and most of those are dialup for email only.
You guys have no idea what its like here,most people in Australia shoot or stomp on snakes and if you tell someone you keep them they laugh at you.
Lets face it the best book ever done on Australian snakes was done buy an American "Pythons of the world,volume1, Australia".
By the way are there any other Aussies in this forum ?
I would love to talk to them if there is.
Dont think I was arguing with you I was just making a point, and Mark, stiring the pot and then retracting the statement is just that "stiring the pot".
We have a saying down here "If ya gunna piss in the pool then dont be afraid to swim in it"!!!
06-20-03, 02:24 PM
I'm swimming in it here Rick LOL everything I put here I agree with & yes I am sometimes a hypocrit. I was more getting at that sometimes people here only seem to see things from their point of view. I like to get people thinking about all those other things like morality issues etc. Ones where there is no right or wrong, but alot of grey area. We all need to be more empathetic sometimes & try to see things from all angles even though we don't always enjoy the view, heh heh. I myself enjoy that "down under angle" you present & you bring up lots of good tidbits to think about. I worked in Africa way back in '88 & can totally relate to your plight with the locals & you keeping snakes. Every single one that was spotted in the Kalahari while I was there brought the "Kill it, kill it!" chant from the locals. Keep "stirring it up" Bro. It gives us all a chance to see what may float to the top. Cheers mate, Mark
P.S. Whats the difference between a "French kiss" & an Austrailian one? No difference, one's just "Down Under" thats all!
06-20-03, 05:52 PM
hay lisen to me the shop isnt a breeder thay get them frm a realy realy good breeder i just found out but ime still geting him (the breeder who suplys them lives to far away frm me)
Well get some info on the breeder and post it here for Zoe and gonesnakee and I to pick on him for a while then you go and buy it and love like we all love ours. lol
Good luck with your new buddy goth, I hope all goes well mate!
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