View Full Version : Triplets?!?!

06-18-03, 10:08 AM
Manitoba breeder, Vern Ruml, had 3 burms come out of one egg...


Click on "Video Galleries", "Python Birth" and then "Triplets"

Pretty crazy.... :D

Colonel SB
06-18-03, 10:37 AM
Very cool.

06-18-03, 01:43 PM
Nice snake's you gave awesome video to

06-18-03, 02:04 PM
dude, that's awesome. It's too bad he didn't get a pic of them all hatching outta that same egg.

06-18-03, 03:59 PM
didnt work for me??? kinda wanna see it though

Scales Zoo
06-18-03, 04:10 PM
Vern got pictures of them coming out of one egg, he has more video than is on the web as well.

We have all 3 triplets, hatched in 2001.

As far as I can find out, this was the first time triplets were hatched.

About a month later, another guy in the U.S. had triplets (albino burms as well, oddly). I contacted him about the triplets to see how they were doing and he informed me that he had sold them to 3 seperate people, and didn't even know for sure which 3 people had them.

I told him how I would have very gladly bought all 3 snakes and kept them together to track their progress - and he said "well if it happens again, I'll call you right away" as calmly as can be.

Can you beleive some people?

Elvira, is a 2000 hatchling from a Jo-Jo Ally breeding, which makes her a sister to the triplets. I have never heard of a 3rd instance of triplets - If anyone knows anything, please forward the information to us.


06-18-03, 04:12 PM
Wow, I didn't know that it was possible!! That is insane :eek:

06-18-03, 11:05 PM
Ryan, how are they doing? Are they identical triplets? Are their temperaments/feeding habits the same? Sorry if these are dumb questions but I'm really curious... :D

06-19-03, 08:40 AM
ive only seen two albino retics in one egg. its always interesting how mother nature works. Nick

Scales Zoo
06-20-03, 12:59 PM
Hi Cranwill.

We are not sure if the triplets are identical, I can't find any differences in any of their patterns. They appear to be all males but we have not yet probed them.

By the way, those are not dumb questions.

They weren't the best feeders when we first got them. Now we have one that is a good feeder (like most burms), one that is a little slow, and one that Sheila has to assist feed all of the time.

Even though all 3 snakes have eaten different amounts of food, the best feeder isn't a lot bigger than the smallest one.

All 3 snakes are still small for being 2 year old burms - all under 4 feet. It will be interesting to see in 10 years if they have caught up in size to other burms, or if they all stay "dwarfs". Elvira, their sister that is 1 year older than them is already about 13' long, and 70 lbs.

Also, their tounges don't flick out as far as most burms. They only come out to just past the forks.


06-25-03, 12:01 PM
If true identical triplets, when bred back would have very good chances of more twin/triplets in the clutch. It would be cool to find out.


Scales Zoo
06-26-03, 06:27 PM
When we first go the triplets I joked that it would be cool if they all produced genetic dwarf triplets (I was just joking at the time)

I have never heard that identical triplets bred back would have better chances for twins and triplets - that is really interesting information, where did you see that?

Thanks for the post Mardy


06-28-03, 12:00 PM
What happened is probably the exact same thing that happens with humans, the ova seperates in 3 once the egg shell is formed and they develop inside.
The don't have more chances of producing triples or twins, they should be very normal little burms, but maybe you've got some dwarfs Ryan! :D

Good luck with raising and breeding them! :-)
At what age are burms old enough to breed?