View Full Version : Spotted or Childrens?

06-18-03, 08:43 AM
Montey was sold to me three years ago as a Children's Python by a pet store that honestly knows nothing about snakes and snake care. I personally think they were mistaken and she's a Spotted.

So, I'm asking the many knowledgable people HERE at ssnakess.com.

Children's or Spotted?



06-18-03, 10:54 AM
How big is it?

That looks like a spotted. (maculosa)

06-18-03, 10:58 AM
JEFF: She's about 3 feet long


06-18-03, 05:46 PM
I'll 2nd the Spotted! I breed Childrens & they don't look like yours. Spotteds grow larger & retain more of their childhood pattern than Childrens. If shes 3 ft & looks like that I would say Spotted for sure unless its a hybrid of the 2. Mark I.

DNA Reptiles
06-18-03, 06:05 PM
Hi Jenn.....It's a spotted, we breed both so are pretty sure.

06-18-03, 07:05 PM
Thanks everyone, if you'll notice my signature now, I've corrected the Pet Stores labelling error.



Bryce Masuk
06-18-03, 07:14 PM
It could quite easily be a cross breed or childrens and spotted but it looks to be dominatly spotted the best idea is to not breed it since they are near impossable to get w.c. and if the genitics are muttled and bred into the captive population over time we may no long have the same purity we do now even though pure now still isnt that pure....

06-18-03, 07:53 PM
Thanks Bryce, I'll keep that in mind when I start breeding Spotted Pythons. I'll get a pure line.


06-18-03, 10:47 PM
They seem about the same to me, but I haven't really researched on them or kept them myself. So I'm Not Sure.

06-19-03, 12:54 AM
Do you guys get these over there?
its a stimsons python from central Australia.

A member of the childrens python family known here as a large blotched python.
I have many pics of them at this size and full grown as well.
Would love to know if these sweet lil guys have made it to your shores.


06-19-03, 01:00 AM
this is an older stimsons python.


06-19-03, 01:07 AM
I breed and some of mine look just like tah one, it's a spotted.

06-19-03, 04:41 PM
Hi all & to answer Mudboys Q yes we have Stimpsons in Canada. Henry Piorun (www.a1pythons.com) of Mission B.C. breeds & has them listed on his price list for $500 CDN. I wouldn't be surprised if Don Patterson has some as well? They are here though. Henry also does Anthills, as does Don. Mark I.

06-20-03, 02:15 AM
Thanks Mark.
They are cute lil buggas huh.
My girl Lisa loves em most of all

06-20-03, 01:55 PM
They are some of my favorites because of their size. I'm limited for space so I can't really keep many large boids etc. but I have lots of room for these little guys. Mark I.

06-22-03, 01:05 PM
I vote spotted!

07-11-03, 03:55 AM
kewl, that green waterbowl, I have one for my corns but I turned it upside-down and now its a neat hidebox

07-11-03, 02:48 PM
Looks like a Spottie to me. They're awesome pets, and I may be picking up many of them very soon, just because of their size and temperament.