View Full Version : making an incubator

06-18-03, 07:16 AM
It probably won't happen for a few months anyways, but for when the day comes that my geckos breed.... how do you make an incubator?

06-18-03, 07:38 AM
Click on the camera next to my name. There is a step by step photo guide in my gallery.
Good luck,

06-18-03, 10:18 AM
Actually I just built my first aquarium incubator few days ago and I found the infos on these sites very helpful:


Good Luck! :D

edited: I think you should try the incubation section in this forum, I found it very helpful. I think I got two of those links from there too.

06-22-03, 08:02 AM
Thanks guys! It's a big help.

07-13-03, 01:27 PM
You can also see how to make a crestie incubator in the reptiles annual magazine. There is a great article on the care of Crested Geckos and it explains how to make the incubator. On the cover of the magazine there is a pic of a Jackson Chamleons head.
Good Luck!!!

07-14-03, 03:44 PM
Depending on how fancy you want to get, i find a styro with a big pickle jar full of water in it heated with a fish tank heater to be a pretty good, simple idea. Easy, cheap, keeps itself humid, and once you get the temperature set, i've found mine doesn't vary more than about .2 degrees if i'm zippy with taking the lid off.

Eric Klees
07-15-03, 10:25 AM
I am going to have to make a cabnet with shelves and use a Helix termostate cause I cant keep up with the amout of eggs I'm producing.

but what I am doing now is a room thing. I have all my cresties in a spare bedroom and I have a ceramic disk space heater I use to heat teh room to about 77-79 degrees. With that I just pull the container with teh eggs that were laid and close it up and set them on a shelf. Though th etemp can vary from 74-80 at times I will buil dan incubator
