View Full Version : Want to make an enclosure

06-18-03, 12:35 AM
hey everyone,

i was wondering if anyone could help me in making my enclosure. i want to make one for my ball python. it's gonna have to be about 3-4 feet in length and about 1-2 feet high. width i guess about 2 feet. i need a suggestion in where to put it and also what material to make it from.

i was thinking that i could keep it on the floor but that's boring. would it be possible to make a stand for it?

ok back to the enclosure. i've some instruction from the site on how to wire a dimmer. i'm gonna need a light and possibly and UTH... i've got a lamp already. should i use 2? one for the day and the other at night?

also how would i prevent burns and also how would i ensure ventilation?

i was thinking of using particle board for the sides, and plexiglass for the front. or should i use plexi glass for all sides??

please help me!!!


Bryce Masuk
06-18-03, 01:44 AM
Go buy a sheet of melimine 4X8 1/2 inch plus thick cut it in to quarters then cut on one of the quarters in half get yourself a a 4X2 piece of plexiglass for the front and there you go some people use sliding glass fronts in that case get one 2X2 piece of glass and one 2 and a inch and 2 feet tall that way it will over lap you will need a tube of silicone to seal the edges of the melimine on the inside of the cage you may want some angles to reinforce it

on another note a 4X2X2 cage is huge for a Bp unless its freakishly large

06-18-03, 06:22 AM
This may be of some help


Wiring a Rhetostat in 5 Minutes. Author: Boidkeeper

Make your own Rheostat! Authors: Katey and Lisa

06-18-03, 11:31 AM
is melimine water resistant/proof? cause if i have terra fibre as a substrate, then will it cause the melimine to go all ******? and start to rot? or should i put something down as a water proofer for the bottom.

thanks for the tips asphyxia and bruce