View Full Version : Update on Gimley (some suggestions please)

06-17-03, 07:00 AM
Gimleyis my hatchling born pretty small and with a short tail, who hasn't eaten anything on her own yet. She had her first shed on Saturday and when I checked Monday afternoon she still hadn't eaten anything. So I sat with her for about 20 minutes wiggling worms in front of her face in case she couldn't see them in the dish. After about 5 minutes she reacted to the worm. She snapped at it but she couldn't pic it up for some reason. It almost seems like her jaw is not strong enough to grab on to pick it up. It was a pretty small mealworm also. I'm not sure what I should do. I think it may be too soon to force feed but I'm afraid that if she doesn't get some nutrition into her she'll never be strong enough to grab them. Last night I had her lick some watered down jumpstart mixed with some calcium off the syringe and then I encouraged her to open her mouth so I could stick a mealworm in it. I got her to eat 3 worms this way. Should I keep doing this or is it better to let nature take it's course? SHe's really small she still only weighs three grams and her sister is up to 7 now.

Colonel SB
06-17-03, 07:14 AM
I would keep trying for week or two then let nature tkae is course but it's a decision that you are going to have to make...if you want to keep putting in the time. I hope he turns around for you.

06-17-03, 08:51 AM
it's always a tough decision on what to do. I say follow your heart.

06-17-03, 09:53 AM
I'm totally willing to put in the time. I think I don't have a choice. I could try pinhead crix too but if she can't pick up mealies I don't know if she's be able to pick up crix at all. When I was hand feeding her the mealies, a couple times she opened her mouth wide as if to make it easier on me.

06-17-03, 01:31 PM
i would defenitly try crickets but i don't know about pinheads ive heard people saying they were a little too small for baby leos to see. but i could be wrong. i would try 1/4 inch crix, but thats me, I start my little leos with 1/4 inch crickets with no problems

06-17-03, 01:37 PM
I sometimes start tough feeders on crickets, and switch to worms later. Some hatchlings can't seem to get the hang of grabbing onto and <i>holding</i> a slippery mealworm.

06-17-03, 06:56 PM
Thanks I got a mix of pinheads and quarters. Fingers crossed!

06-17-03, 07:05 PM
I would definately keep it up, you are doing great. If she doesn't make it it is not because you aren't trying your hardest. So don't feel bad if you lose her. It's a good sign that she ate for you, maybe in a week or so she will be eating on her own. I would also try the crickets. I have had leos hatch about that size and they did great on the 1/4 crickets. I find they have a harder time catching the smaller ones. Good luck with her and keep us posted. I hope she makes it for you.

06-17-03, 08:07 PM
i would try crix. altho i feed baby leos mealies, for some the crix seem to work better. ive never used pinhead crix tho, just small ones. i would definetely try crix before giving up.

06-18-03, 07:00 AM
The trouble is that I have them in rubbermaids until they get bigger and the enclosure I am working on is finished being built (only a couple more weeks). So to feed her I have to move the whole rubbermaid. This freaks her out so she pays no attention to food. Tonight I'm going to try taking out all her cage furniture (so the crix can't hide) and tossing about 5 in there and leaving her for 20 minutes or so. I hope it works. Thanks for the support.

06-18-03, 01:55 PM
atlas refused to take mealworms for the longest time, but starting her off on crickets was no problem.

06-19-03, 07:10 AM
OK I have good news. Last night I tried leaving her in the rubbermaid with nothing but crickets in there and they freaked her out. Anytime one approached her she spazed and ran away. So I decided to try one more thing. I put all her stuff back in the rubbermaid and I impaled all the crickets with the tweezers, injuring them enough so they'd stay in the dish but still be wiggling. Well I looked this morning and they were all gone along with possibly one mealworm. I didn't see them anywhere else in the enclosure and they were pretty injured so I doubt they escaped completely. So, I guess this is what I need to do! I'm just so happy she finally ate on her own!

06-19-03, 09:17 AM
Congrats i hope she keeps on eating.

06-19-03, 09:33 AM
Congrats Megs
She is just lucky havin a grandma like you :D

06-19-03, 04:27 PM
That's great! I hope she keeps up the great work! Good going lady!!

scott hough
06-20-03, 01:17 AM
Great idea! We've also had great success getting problem feeder eating using silkworms. They're great because the worms stay in the same spot, but wave their heads around.
Sounds like you've got a good handle on it though:)

06-20-03, 07:17 AM
*sigh* I might have jumped the gun. It's possible it was the mealworms in the dish that nibbled on the crix all night. But I did see a normal looking poo today so it possible Gimley ate them. I'll have to try again tonight but removing the mealies.

06-21-03, 09:49 PM
good luck keep us posted. I know what you are going through. :(

06-22-03, 06:05 PM
OK we're in the clear. He's eating mealies regularly now. I just make sure he gets the freshly shed ones and he eats 2-3 a night. Thanks for the support everyone. These guys are my first hatchlings and basically first babies so I probably was a little over cautious. I'm just glad they are both doing well.