View Full Version : Gettin back into grove!

06-16-03, 10:56 PM
Hy everyone!

I have been raising Chameleons for 3-4 years now mabey more. I have been much to busy to enjoy my chams lately but decided to give them more attention lol (even though they might mot want it). I have 8 chams right now. 1.1 panthers(blue), 1.2 veilds, and 2.1 pigmy leafs. Ihave lots of evperience with these breeds. I want more but am out of room, and money lol. I will be happy to contribuit what ever knowlege i have, and any Q's if i have any. Bla Bla Bla im going to shut up now!

Hello all

06-16-03, 10:57 PM
Hey!! Welcome :). Glad we can have you here. Just more knowledge to add to the pot. Enjoy! :D

06-16-03, 10:58 PM
Hey, that's cool... another cham keeper!! Chameleons rock, I want one :)

Welcome to ssnakess.com!!

06-16-03, 11:05 PM
I have an avatar i want added how do i go about this?

its dimentions are 65pix X 65pix

OH and i cant seem to be able to modify my profile that is where i would have added it in other fourms?

I know this is stupid am i blind, I am a administrator on another fourm that is very similar to this but all fourms are dif.

06-16-03, 11:43 PM
click on profile, Then 'edit profile' then 'edit options' for your avatar. Your Avatar can me a maximum of 100 x 100 pix... Hope this helped!! Welcome to the site!! :D

06-17-03, 10:39 AM

06-17-03, 12:02 PM
Hello and welcome!

06-17-03, 08:45 PM
Welcome !!! :)

06-18-03, 04:07 AM
Welcome to SsnakesS :D
Chams rock hard. I always wanted (and still want) one. Chams are sooooo awesome