View Full Version : How to clean the cage

06-16-03, 05:03 PM
Hi, i am pretty new to this site and to BP. I've had my ball for about a week now and i think he's got a R.I. he's got bubbles around his mouth and nose. I cranked the temp up to 90 on the hot side, not sure what the cold side is. I am using CareFresh pet bedding, it was the same substrate that the pet store i bought him from was using. I was wondering how i should go about cleaning the cage to make it more comfortable for him, like what kind of detergant to use to clean the glass, if i should switch to a different substrate? He's got 2 half cut logs as hide boxes and a large water dish.

Thanks in advance to all those that answer!!


06-16-03, 06:26 PM
Eep. Your warm side should have been at 90 in the first place, you will want to increase the entire temp (ambient... no cool spot) to about 95, and I recommend getting him to an experienced herp vet as well for antibiotic treatment.\

Carefresh works fine as a substrate. Just spot clean it as needed, you can mist it to attain the proper humidity level, and when you do full tank clean out then replace all the carefresh :) Make sure you do not feed on this substrate, though it is natural, it can still lead to impaction if ingested ;)

For cleaning glass, there are quite a few methods I use...wash and rinse with an antibacterial dishsoap, or spray with vinegar followed by spraying over top with peroxide, and rinsing (I use peroxide to clean my enclosures and just wipe dry with no rinse, but it leaves streaks on glass if you do this). Peroxide/vinegar actually kills more germs than bleach and is 100% safe.

06-16-03, 07:07 PM
Thank you for the response, i will take all that into consideration! Can anyone recommend a good thermometer to acurately get a temp reading?

06-16-03, 09:58 PM
Home depot has great ones that are digital and take two temperatures and humidity! (Only one temp at a time shows, though). I think they were 15 bucks and worth every dime. Don't bother with the little plastic ones--we went through a dozen of those, never consistent or accurate! Good luck.

And substrate...the almighty newspaper rules!! Sooooo easy to replace...and you can't beat the price--

06-17-03, 12:15 AM
you can buy a themometor made for reptiles that sticks the glass and works well. stay away from mercury! because if it breaks you and gets on the skin well....... you just dont want to risk it. like what was said care freash works great but is basicly newspaper just in little pices. if you havent had him for long and he is already showing sings of respitory problems you should be able to bring him back and get a new one but that might not be good for the fate of the Ball python though.

06-17-03, 05:13 AM
When i first got the snake, i did a visual check and didn't notice any signs of illness. Would it have stayed dormant for so long that it just decided to show itself when i got it home? Did I not have the temp high or low enough? I left the snake alone for 3-4 days before doing light handling. Would any of those be factors for Resperatory Infection? Thanks...

06-18-03, 12:03 AM

06-18-03, 12:04 AM
take him to a vet!!!!!!! bubbles arent always RI....Osiris, my year old boy had the same problem and come to find out bacteria was out of control in his little tummy ...resulting also in a massive tummyache...... TAKE HIM TO THE VET!!!!!!!