View Full Version : question for serpent lust and JD@reptiles!

06-16-03, 01:01 AM
and anyother western ribbon snake owners!

I was wondering what set-up you used and what you feed them? With so little pet care info out when I saw you list them as species you own I hoped we could compare notes ;-)

06-16-03, 05:38 PM
i have a 38gal setup with lots of climbing accecores and a huge waterboul. i feed them fish and earthworms!

06-16-03, 06:01 PM
i use a 20 gallon tank aspen shavings some times, i find it easier to see any stool. 2 small hide boxes a small branch and a water dish about as round as a base ball.:) there are several different ways to keep them. i know of people who have kept them on sand!. i dont really agree with that. anyways i hope i helped.
