View Full Version : YEAH!!! Good beardie eggs.

06-15-03, 03:09 PM
I'm happy to say after this years attempts my female beardie FINALLY laid a batch of good eggs today. Her past 2 clutches were no good. They were very flimsy and had nothing in them i would still place them in the incubator just hoping they would make it. Within a week they would grow mold and be thrown away. But not today!!! she laid 16 beautiful bright white perfectly firm eggs. Sorry didn't take any pics cause i wanted to get them in the incubator as soon as possible. I was really exited about this after 2 bad clutches i had to share with everyone.

Now i have 6 leos eggs, 11 corn snake eggs, and 16 beardie eggs. but i also had 7 leos hatch already this year and have more leo eggs to come.

06-15-03, 03:51 PM
Congrats! :D Best of luck with the eggs....

06-15-03, 07:04 PM
I feel i'm gunna have a good clutch come in any week now. my last 2 were no good as well, i only had a total of 10 hatch out of a total of maybe 24 eggs. Good luck to you,

06-16-03, 11:32 AM
Congrats! I look forward to the hatching news, but not as much as you, I'm sure. :D

06-16-03, 11:46 AM
yes i can not wait this is the first clutch of good eggs i've had with her. I was thinking possibly my male was infertile or there was something wrong with the female. I had made plans to borrow a friends male to see if that was the problem. But i guess not now. I cant wait to see the little babies come out. Its been 2 1/2 years since i've gotten to play with a baby.

Wish i had a time machine. LOL

06-16-03, 12:10 PM
Awesome, congats on the eggs. The best of luck to you and beardies, plus the eggs offcourse :D